Ebon Cloak Phyle Report
Dark Greetings,
This is my second report as Tetrarch of the Ebon Cloak Phyle and I report it to you on this day, May 27th, 2005.
Yay for the Ebon Cloak Phyle! Not only have we weeded out some AWOL's but we've seen a nice influx of new Tyro's with lots of potential [to be molded]. Welcome abord Cornix, Zogtark, Cozmo, and Torrano. All great names... but please upload your histories so I know what gender you are!
Unfortunately... we lost a great asset in Radek. Who had to go and get promoted to Jedi Hunter and 'graduate' from the Ebon Cloak. You'll be missed, but I'm sure you're going on to bigger and better things.
We have a new motto. I don't know where it came from but it's cool. "Forward, Upward, Onward; Words and Deeds forge the Path."
I'm sure Radek won something.
Notes and Asides
INDEPENDENCE GAMES! I even have a fancy event up about the SW version of the Darwin Awards. Let's make HAD and CSP proud by submitting to everything! And here's a fun fact ... our newest Tyro, Toranno, has a full FIVE dots in every skill on his dossier. So I am sure he'll take 1st in the IG's hands down.
<big>Issard Jokaat</big>
DJK (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae,
DC/Cr-1D-2R-2A-2E/CF [ACC: SKR]
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