Sapphire Blade for ^DA CyberGuy^


Sapphire Blade for ^DA CyberGuy^

For helping the MAA's AWOL check, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] offered to help develop a script to ease. He offered to help make the AWOL check easier and it will really clean off the roster from the idle people. CG really earned his SB. Grats CG!

Grrrr! CoFo I told you to make a nice post. Not just a short thingy.

CG has been working his butt off as SCL and what he did for CoFo was just one more among many others. His constant efforts for us make him a very valuable and appreciated member of the DB. :)

W00t!! GRATS Cybey!!!!!!!!

Yaaay CG!

Darn you all!
Now I have to change my e-mail signature again :-P

Thanks :-)

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