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**House Qel-Droma of Arcona
** Quaestor Report
28th of May 2005
The shadows of history haunt us.
The Independence Games finish on June 26th, so make sure you participate in them!
I am a very old member of this Clan. I joined this place in the first week of June, 1999, and have served under every single Consul we've ever had. We've got quite a few old timers here, and while you are mostly retired, I am concerned that Qel-Droma has become little more than a retirement home. The fact we've had very few new Krath join us this year has not helped; the fact that most of them disappear days later makes me wonder how much longer this House will last.
I have few problems keeping retired old-timers in this House. Those who have served their Clan well earn a "dry seat" in this House, and are afforded the benefit of the doubt in AWOL checks. However, I do have to consider the future of this House, and currently it is a lot bleaker than I would like.
I spoke with my Aedile early in the week about the lack of activity in this House, and I have decided to conduct an AWOL check with a twist. Those above the rank of Protector who do not complete any events in the Independence Games will be questioned, and you may very well be removed. Consul Halcyon might be doing this across the whole Clan, but even if he doesn't, I will.
I have no problems keeping dry seats for those old-timers who make an effort in the big competitions. The day to day stuff I personally care little for, but the big competitions, the important ones - they have a lot of impact on the fate of this House. So, the new policy: if you're retired and can put in even just a small effort into a big competition, you're safe.
So far only four of you have registered, and so far only one of those has completed any events. I would like to thank Kandos for completing three events.
I would also like to put it in writing that I will be making some very lucrative awards for participation in the Independence Games. Dark Crosses will go to those who complete 1 or 2 events. Those who complete more will earn Steel Crosses, promotions and Grand Crosses.
Please go and register your name right now! Even if you cannot do any events, it at least shows you are here.
Not many awards this week, though with a large competition running I had better not leave this sentence in too many reports :P
Congratulations to Strategos on earning more heads of his opponents. 10 Clusters of Fire this week.
And to myself for a Steel Cross.
kraven has completed the Krath Run-on course.
TREVOR has completed the Dark Jedi Meditation course.
I am my own valor.
Epis Denath Ciarus
Quaestor of Qel-Droma
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