Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Windos sat in a small room, which he had acquired for use during the Independence Games. The Hunter was shuffling through his notes from the past week, waiting for the members of the Keepers of the Night to arrive. After a few minutes of waiting all available members had taken there seats.

“Let us begin then” He announced “Firstly congratulations to Sato for his award of a Crescent with a Topaz Star.

“Secondly the Independence Games are upon us and all who are present here should be participating to the extent of their ability, you do not even have to draw your swords or start your ships, you can easily compete with your pens or data pads.

“Lastly, the competition I have set up for only us. We play each other in a game I picked up from a primitive planet; they called it ‘Connect 4’. By now each of you should have received a grid, get to playing each other and contact me with the results.”

Not wishing to keep the Keepers from the games, he dismissed the meeting and began writing a submission for a fiction event of the games.

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