Herald Report


Herald Report

This week starts off the slightly renovated Herald Report. First thing regular readers will notice is that the Episode III

dedicated section is gone. I figured the film is out so there's no need to single it out. It now falls under Star Wars Community

news - formerly General Star Wars News. Also you may notice there is a Star Wars gaming section. This section will coincide with

the SWGN site and highlight the more important items for the SW Gaming community.

You may also notice there are new graphics for those sections.

If you have Star Wars news to report, drop me a line.

  • Site Reconstruction

    HRLD Site projects are About 1/3 complete. A lot of new RP stuff on the HRLD site.

SWGN task list has been reviewed and about 90% accepted. Don't

worry, SWGN staff! A note coming to all of you soon.

  • Grant Of Arms Requests

If you read it last week, you know. If you didn't see last week: Don't request new GoA's or any iupdates. I'm not even looking

at it if GoA is in the title. The new system is getting put together, so please wait for that.

  • Custom Lightsabers

Nothing New.

Episode III Egg Hunt

As many of you may know, the Star Wars films are full of Easter Eggs. (Click here if you are unsure on what an easter egg is.)

StarWars.Com has a small list of some

of these that appear in RotS. SPOILER ALERT Just in case there's someone out there who hasn't seen

it yet, the easter eggs DO reveal a little here and there about the way the film plays out.

But wait... There's More!

Just when you thought you saw it all in Episode III, MTV.Com reports that Rick McCallum

has outlined some deleted scenes and extras to appear on the RotS DVD.

The Force Was Not With Them

It's crap like this that really puts that stigma on Star Wars fans as being stupid, obsessive dorks.

Sky News in the UK reports that "Two people have been

left with severe burns after their home-made Star Wars light sabre exploded and showered them in petrol."

I have a whole lot I could say about this, but I'm just not in the mood to be so mean. See link for whole story.

Star Wars Battlefront II

Repeat from last week

The Official Site has a new

screenshots and info on the next Battlefront, but [GZ

Downloads](http://downloads.gamezone.com/demos/d12690.htm) has the Electronic Entertainment Expo (aka E3) 2005 trailer!

Empire At War!

TheForce.Net has some

updates on features to appear in Empire at War - LucasArts' next Real-time strategy game. The blurb on the official site

startes "3D gameplay set in more than 40 ground and space locations including Yavin IV, Tatooine and Dagobah - each has its own

specific advantage and/or resource."

Creature Feature

An ongoing article that will appear exclusively on the SWGN site is my personal account of my online adventures in Star Wars

Galaxies. A Certain Point Of View will be a blog-like report of what I'm doing in the game, the people I deal with, the

trials I go through and all the other highlights (and lowlights) one can experience themselves in the game. Those who had

subscribed to EB Games' GMR magazine might recall a similar feature for FFXI (My Life In Vana'diel).

Here's a quick excerpt:

-> from Day Two: Hamsters With Handguns
_"Then we went to leave. All the Drall had respawned, and as

fast as I could run they still caught up with us at the mouth of the cave. I was watching the wrong bar – I still don’t know

what each one is – and I went down, slaughtered by hamsters with handguns. I respawned back at the cloning center in Coronet,

and made my way to Ragnos. I hit the cloning center there, declared residency in the house Raid gave me, and said my good-byes.

My wife was getting antsy and wanted to do some work outside… whatever that means."_

Watch this space for the next few weeks for an update.

The good news for this week is that I've hammered out some of the HRLD site updates I've had written down on paper. I finally

got most of it typed up and about a third of it formatted. Go check out the Herald Site and you'll see my RP-efforts finally

coming to term.

Some more good news is I finally got to spend some time in SWG! That Combat Update thing really put a large damper on what I can

do, so I went for a non-combat profession for now. It's the kind of stuff you CAN do when you are alone (in other words - no one

to group with) and I feel I'm making good progress.

The bad news - well - that I've really been busy so it's been hard to spend time on IRC or playing games in general.

My thanks to KE Denath Ciarus and JH Dark Hunter for their well-wishes.

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