Woot! More IG events! I'm very pleased with the amount of participation I've been seeing. It's great to see everyone having some fun out there :D
Oh yeah, sorry for not being at the meetings recently. I've switched jobs internally at FedEx and now get more hours which means I get home later in the morning. It sucks but hey more money helps the cause. Soon as I get adjusted to this new job I'll be back to seeing you all at the meetings!
I'd like to hear your opinions! On what you ask? Well anything really but the focus will be on new Krath rank names. That's right, I said it. New Krath rank names. D'oh I said it again! Hehe so anyway's send opinions alla email to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Yeah I'll get more spam mail by putting my email up like that but that's what filters are for :)
One more thing, opinions can come from everyone and can be for/against/don't care ect. Esca has already started toying with the idea, now I'd like to hear what the rest of you think. huggles the P:KHP
Just one more thing I promise. It's a little hint for all of you out there who reads through my reports. Start working on your writing skills, there might be a new way being developed that can net you some easy medals. Hehehe, that's all I can say. Until next week! ;)
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To tell you the truth i read all the reprts even the ones from different orders.. i think the Krath Ranks are fine as they are... but i think it should be easyer to get up from protecter to guardian.. some of us dont have time to do all these competitions..nor do (i ) have the knoledge on how to compete.
I also have no problems with the Krath Ranks, and also see no reason to change them. I'll send a full email tonight.
I'd like to get rid of the Pontifex, way too pope like. Never liked it.
Krath Pope!
The Krath ranks are just fine, in my opinion. And Pontifex is most probably the coolest rank in the DB. :P
Well, bear in mind that the Pope is a SITH, in fact a former DARK LORD of the aforementioned sect. (you know all the pope/palpatine pictures).
The rank Epis sucks. I like Priest, Archpriest, and Pontifex, at the very least. Krath Cardinals? Krath Bishops? Krath Caliphs? Krath Rabbis? Krath Hierophants? Krath Celebrant?
Hmm, I like Hierophant... I'd turn Krath if I could be called one.
Why exactly do you mean to change the Krath rank titles when they are perfectly fine, why not focus your time on some future quality competitions with some serious plotlines and such? There are plenty more important deeds (including for Rebirth) that needs doing besides senseless title changes.
Thats my two bits on the subject. Note : I didn't think the Sith rank title changes were any better, or even the Obelisk if Korras has even thought to go that way.
Krath ranks are absolutely fine as they are - I'm not quite in favor of changing them to be honest...
I like the Krath ranks just the way they are.
I think the ranks are fine, the titles sound a little old but that's what makes them cool. I don't think there's any need to change things up.
Though Krath Ultra Mega Giga Turbo Priest 3000 does have a certain ring to it...
I think they're all great. Leave them alone.
I happen to agree with Telona on this one folks, our ranks our out dated and most likely not properly aligned with canon. Even the order of power in our ranks seems a bit off key when explaining it to non-DB members.
Yes, I recruit members the old fashioned way :p I meet them in real-life!
But I think something should be drawn up and sent to a vote in the polling center - have at it Lonnie and Esca
I don't think the Krath ranks should be altered. They're fine as they are at the moment.
Why does EVERYTHING have to change within the Brotherhood?
I have to agree with Vail, KUMGTP3000 would make a pretty cool rank.
Nah, leave the Krath ranks alone. I like how they progress, and besides- there's been enough rank-fiddling/contentious decisions about changing ranks around here. ^_^
I'd like to thank everyone for their comments even though you guys didn't send me an email like I asked :P
Don't expect to see any changes anytime soon. I was just looking to get a feel on where people stood with this issue. No need to bicker and fight about it on IRC.....
hehe So I am the only one that thinks changing the names to further distance ourselves from the EHDB is a good thing? Could we not at least kick the idea around - currently Krath's are seen as priests. Why not shift the view around to focus more on scholarly pursuit or magicks?
Just curious folks...
Well the reason I wasn't too keen on it was that, as they are they are fine. On the other hand, ANY name polling or suggestions I've seen for any of the recent stuff Ship, Sith Ranks and Hegemon's thing, were not very good. People seem try to go over board with mysticism or from what I've seen in the case of Autarch : Have a good meaning but sound really crappy. Lets face it, not everyone will know the meaning of the word, thus that indefinatly makes the sounding of the name worlds more important that its actually meaning.
NOTE: This is NOT a flame at anyone or anything for that matter, I don't mean to pick a fight, its just my personal opinion.
Names sound fine and either way, names aren't what make this club.
The are plenty of other ways that our club is standing apart from the EHDB already. For a start, we have brains. <3 Brains. :P
I have to agree. I think the Krath ranks are fine as they are. It might be interesting to see what alternatives could be found or created, but I see no particular reason to change them at all. Though I suppose if something more SW canon like could be made, it might be worth a look.
Well you can't be more SW Canon. There ARENT Canon ranks for Sith, Obelisk or Krath. Anything we come up with will STILL not be canon.
Just a couple of comments.
1) We don't really have to "distance ourselves from the EHDB," per se. The DB was an autonomous group, and came into the EH as an allied club. That relationship got muddied over the years, and the lines became obscured, as no one seemed to care, because everything was working out fine. We're not a carbon copy of that EH subgroup, we are the original.
2) I don't mind the rank of Pontifex, but I never associate it with the Pope. I always associate Pontifex with the Tremere, because it's one of their "ranks" in their Clan pyramid stuff. I was never too fond of the priestly ifea of the Krath when I joined, and always tried to push the envelope, but I did always like the idea of the Krath being cult-like and such.
3) There's nothing wrong with discussing change. I've read comments about "Why does the DB have to change?" Quite honestly, the DB isn't a stagnant organization. If it did, we'd be doing the same bullshit over and over. We're trying to change that; if you don't believe it, go read the Rebirth info. We're trying to be dynamic, adapt to the present, and offer more to the online community. And quite frankly, sometimes even the small stuff has to see adaptation, even if only at a discussion phase.
There's nothing wrong with talking about change, seeing what might be another option, then voting to go with the new stuff or staying. Alot of peopl ehave a hard time accepting change, or wanting to lose "what they like." That's understandable. But, if we push ourselves into a corner away from being progressive, if we make ourselves a stagnant club with nothing innovative, or longevity will be deterred.