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29th May 2005
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We near the end of another month... hard to
believe it's almost the 6th month of 2005. I felt like yesterday was only
the beginning of the year. These past 6 months has felt pretty fast to me.
I've just been working in RL and doing as much DB work as I can. You'd
think it would feel like ages since work is just boring, but it's done the
opposite. Soon it'll be 2006 and we'll all be wondering what we did in
2005 :P
I saw SW Episode III
yesterday!! If you haven't seen it yet, you must! Even if you're not a
Star Wars fan like myself, as long as you've seen Episode IV, V, VI, I and
II you'll get the story. The Specially affects were just amazing in EP
III. The story was somewhat predictable in the part where Anakin turns to
the Dark Side and Palpatine is the Sith Lord. Those who've watched at
least EP I and II would know that. I won't speak too much about it for
those who haven't seen it, but it's great to see on the big screen. As i
said, I'm not a big Star Wars fan/geek, but Episode III is really really
The Independence Games 2005 is now packed with extra events! There's roughly 35 events in total. There were only 20 events previously. The Independence Games '05 will end on the 26th June. All events will end on this date. You will find a link to the Independence Games further below in this report. If you still don't know how to begin participating in the events, please ask your Superiors.
Taking part in competition such as the Independence Games will benefit
each member who participates. A member will have a chance at winning a
number of medals, gain merit toward their next promotion, and show that
they are active. Members will also be helping their Clan by earning points
for their Clan. So everyone wins all around.
I personally plan to participate in all the fiction/poetry events. And i
hope to participate in all the graphics events, however, that depends on
my graphical skills :P
9 new Apprentices this week! 7 promotions made this week! An extraordinary 27 exam passed this week! A great achievement from all those in the Clan who passed on their exams! Congratulations to those who got promoted! And Welcome to those new members :D
For those of you who have reached the rank of Protector and wish to know
how to get promoted further, please view the Advancement Guide. If you
wish to take part in the Clan's Master Student Program, then first read
the MSP Guide, and then contact Enahropes.
As members continue to do exams and successfully pass, some of them may get promoted without notice. The Shadow Academy has a system in place which will automatically promote members for a number of exams completed, however, no email notifications are sent out. So it's best to keep a check on your personal dossiers to see if you rank has changed. Checking the Clan and House Roster is also good as you can see if new members have joined and you can also see your Superiors. To have access to view their email address, you will need to login to the DB Admin. You are to use your Dossier Number (PIN Number) and password. All new members would have received a pre-generated password when joining. Since then, those members should have changed their password to something they can easily remember.
The Clan currently stands at 91 members!! We are only 9 members short of 100! :D We are now placed as the 2nd largest Clan of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood! Our large population increase has primarily been a result of the new members influx. Since Episode III came out, a huge amount of new recruits have entered the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. I'd like all the newer members to know that they are not alone here. There are a lot of new members who have joined Satal Keto in the past couple of months. So please don't feel as if you're alone and helpless. Your Superiors are here to help at any time. The best way to get a quick answer to your your queries is to ask. No one can read your mind, so we don't know if you have questions waiting for us to answer. If you step up and ask your questions, you will have them answered quicker :) And do not feel guilty about asking a large number of questions. Even I, once as a new member, asked a large number of questions to my superiors. So I urge all the newer members of this Clan who need help to go and ask for help.
That's about it for this week... I apologise if I've missed anything. I got a nasty cold! It's made my voice go all funky! But it's good in a way that I didn't have to work today :P I played some JA this week. That game is so fun when you're winning. Haha. For those of you who have Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, X-wing Alliance, X-wing vs. Tie Fighter and Jedi Knight, should have some fun and participate in MP nights. You will need the chat program IRC or use the web-chat IRC to enter the channels and to fight opponents. Further below in this report is a link to the information of the MP nights.
CSK Hot Shots for this Week
All those who passed their exams this week!!
All those who have participated in the IG '05!!!
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Master Student Program: Guide! http://www.satalketo.net/mspg.html
_**CSK Advancement Guide**_**:**
_**CSK Site**_**:** [
http://www.satalketo.net](http://www.satalketo.net) (_Only Guides can be viewed, see website
for details_)
**Independence Games 2005
Multi-Player Events:
_**CSK Newsletter**_**:** _On Hold_
**_CSK Summit Weekly Meetings_:** _Accomplished_
_**Patriciate of Satal Keto:**_ _Developing
__**Clan History:**_ _In _
_**_Master Student Program:_ **_Website is_ _
ready to be put online_
*Clan Website Revamp: *Under Construction
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[Dark Jedi
[Dark Side
[Clan Satal
[House Aleema](http://www.freewebs.com/housealeema/housealeema.htm)
[House Kirleta](http://www.freewebs.com/housekirleta/)
[CSK Advancement
[Clan Satal Keto Message
New DB CSK Message Board](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?s=f8068d539c28f134cce7ea8f40980ffa&showforum=20)
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