I'm pleased to announce that Sith Warrior Crix Madine has created the new Alvaak site! It's located at http://www22.brinkster.com/crix/alvaak/. Check it out!
<p>I would like to personally thank SW Crix Madine for all this help! Now, Alvaak can enter the new Vendetta with high spirits and a new webpage! :)
<p>On a side note, the new Alvaak Message Board is up as well!
Sith Battlemaster Keiran Idanian
Consul of Clan Alvaak
Clan Alvaak Training Officer
SBM Keiran Idanian (Sith)/CON/Alvaak
SC-SoA/BZ/(BN)/(LSAg)/รก {SA: CORE}
Reconnaissance Office, Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
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