Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Greetings Disciples of Kun,

Another week has passed us by and it looks like we are still flowing towards the ultimate goal of becoming a complete Clan. Recently our very own Lusankya has undertaken a project to create both Ziost and Byss web sites - utilizing the old information provided, but sprucing it up to fit our new look! In other news, we did have the most people sign up for the Independence Games [IGs] however we have not had the turn out hoped for! Get working folks!

Let us begin my ramblings of a new week!

Scholar of the Week

Let me say this was a cool week at the Shadow Academy, I saw participation from a BUNCH of people. So everyone give a hand to Taranin, Xavian, Taslek, Dorn, Sunflash, Reghaun, Virulence and Proed for getting their hands dirty and doing a course! Let us give further kudos to Scorpius, Praj, and Aleister for completing more than one course this week!

However, there can only be one (not Highlander, but Scholar of the Week!) and it is with great pleasure I present to you Aabsdu, whom completed 4 courses this week alone! Keep up the hard work and congratulations!

New Members

It is always important for both houses to see the newest additions to our Clans - so without further ado, let me present to you the new class of Journeymen to enter the halls of Clan Exar Kun!

Taranin of House Byss Devani of House Ziost Taslek of House Ziost Guy of House Byss Mellott of House Ziost Aleister of House Ziost Reghaun of House Byss Aabsdu of House Ziost Thrall of House Byss Ragnos of House Ziost Dorn of House Ziost HollowSilence of House Byss

Everyone give a warm welcome to our newest members and help accomodate them with your experience and wisdom as they enter our halls! New members - hook up with IRC and come meet us all online! (It is the experience of a life time!)


Steel Cross to Cyris Oscura for his witty, quick work in helping the HeadMaster find information to make updates to the Shadow Academy JA server! Congrats!

Star of Antei to Schisca for his hard work and dedication as a gaming force for the past months! Schisca had continuously represented CEK in the Gaming Nights and done admirably in a great many other projects - He is the first 'Blade of Kun'

Dark Cross to Jonaleth Isradia for his featured item of the month. A pure piece of genius scribed by the hand of our own Dark Adept about the History of CEK. This will be our Clans official transcript in the new and improved DSC!


We drew to an end of Competitions with the beginning of a new Month. We had two competitions in place and I received a great deal of entries - thank you all! Let us get to the placings!

Journeymen Jedi - Topic: Castle Frost First Place - Amethyst Crescent - Xavian Second Place - Sapphire Crescent - Adam Anderson Third Place - Emerlad Crescent - Korbin

CEK Current Events - May 2005 Edition First Place - Amethyst Crescent - Rydack Second Place - Sapphire Crescent - Virulence Third Place - Emerald Crescent - Thran

Good work to each of you! I enjoyed each and every one of the submissions we saw! We will be disbanding current competitions in hopes of refocussing our efforts on the IGs - however as soon as the IGs draw to a conclusion a new Competition will be available!

We do have one competition this month, however, it is a very special task - the description of Castle Frost - Details can be found here:

I normally go on and on in the rest of this report - but that is a TON of information to swallow real quick as you peruse this - so I will cover just a few things that need touching upon!

Competitions Weekly - This is the ultimate resource to competitions in the Brotherhood; I lay out every competition out there for you!

Beginners Guide to the DJB - This is a run-down on every major resource that old and new members alike should peruse, this will expand your knowledge tenfold!


Quest For Dominance - The chance of a lifetime that will forever alter the way you and others see your character, do you have what it takes?


Someone please remind me to stop riding mountain bikes for obscene distances AND THEN getting drunk - it would seem so much more logical to get drunk and then go biking.

In Darkness, Braecen Triadus Isradia

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