Night Hawks Weekly Report
Independence Games are underway, dont forget to participate. I hope to see you all very active in these games for many reasons including shineys, clan recognition, and promotions. Sunday is the tournament day again. Get qualified Thursday or Saturday for the competition. ACC Live counts!
Activity Report: Since we have a bunch of new people YAY new people! I decided to extend my activity notice. Everyone needs to contact me with his or her activity within the next two weeks. If I dont hear from you, I will assume you do not want to be an active member of this battle team, and you will be removed to the house.
Awards/Promotions: Lech won a Legion of the Scholar, as did our newcomer, Silver Raven. Congrats guys! I got a new shiney, but if you are interested, youll need to check my Dossier (4808).
Transfers: Dont forget to welcome our new people. If they need a hand, please offer to assist. Nanjiclicma and Constantine are our newest members, and Silver Raven has joined us from the house. For those people still not yet promoted to ACO, please submit your history ASAP. It only takes a few minutes, and it gives you the first promotion.
From the Chirurgeons office:
Competitions are still in full force for the independence games. Do as I say, not as I do because I've been a tad lazy toward the DB recently. Get to it! They are fun! www.independencegames.netNow...for our comps.
Alchemical Attack
This is a competition from the newly knighted Macron Goura or as I like to call him: Mac G. Basically, write about how you kill mutants.
The Curse
Design an Imperial Fighter
Konar's Graphic Comp #1
And of course, there is the Quaestor's questions comp, which once again, I have won. Sorry Silver Raven. =) MAYBE next time...but I doubt it. (Lech cracks his knuckles)
Roster: Sharmin Wheyes, Elitus, Sildrin Rys, Lech, Nanjiclicma, Constantine, Silver Raven, Addicks, Kat Pridemore
Word of the Week: This week, the word for drinks in #Naga_Sadow is once again, concur. Because its fun.
My email address is [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Let me know if you need anything.
In your service,
DJK Kat Pridemore (Krath)/TET/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow [ACC: OPR]
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