Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Quaestor Report - 12th June 2005

Greetings House Exar Kun,

First off, as you can probably gather I am using the old style format for this report. Just for this week though, until I have finished configuring my new system (more on that later).

Quite a week I think you'll agree, the loss of the newly promoted Quaestor, Rakhai. And the founding of a new clan, Clan Plagueis. Lots to cover this week!

Farewell Clan Exar Kun

It's sad to see the name Exar Kun pass into the Compendium history books, I've learnt to love Exar Kun and it's become quite the little home for me. Still it's not all bad news, Exar Kun is now our House name. So long Ziost and hello Exar Kun. The 'clan merger' as it's been coined is certainly a radical move but I for one would like to cast an optimistic spin on it. Sure there's the greater numbers and the increased likelyhood of success in tournaments but there's also the chance to combine different ideas and skills. Incidently there are of course three houses, Exar Kun, Satal Keto and Bane. Your all free to choose whichever house you feel more comfortable joining. As a general rule of thumb House Ziost members have been moved to Exar Kun, Clan Satal Keto has become House Satal Keto and Byss has become Bane. This of course can and will change, as members choose to move around.

Farewell Rakhai AKA Numaril Asfageln

As all of you are probably aware (unless of course your living like a hermit) Rakhai has stepped down as Quaestor. He's on an extended LoA (Leave of absence) to begin a quest, not any quest but one that he hopes to earn fame and fortune from...or maybe not. He will be returning though, give it a few months and we can all look forward to him rejoining our ranks once again. It appears I was not the only one who held him in great regard, others too. So much so that he has been promoted to Sith Overlord, or to translate he has become one bad ass! So in short, don't mess with the hardened 'evil one'. Needless to say I look forward to his return and look forward to his return.

Congratulations Rakhai!

Aedile Competition - Crossword

First off I apologise to all of you who had a less than friendly experience submitting it. Rest assured I have liberally beaten myself with a blunt implement for not coding up a mail script to avoid all those daft error messages. On the plus side you were all a determined bunch and managed to email across your answers and/or screen grabs. So thank you for all of those.

Winners? Well there was two Crescents up for grabs, you dont HAVE to receive them, you could give them to me. I have a nice polished medal case where they can take pride of place! No? Ah well, worth a shot. The winners are:

In 1st place is Dark Jedi Knight Sunflash al'Tor. Now I make no secret about my lothing for Jar Jar, this goggle eyed nightmare would put the fear of god into the most toughened Dark Jedi. Sunflash described in great detail exactly what he would do to this abomination.

"I would cut off every finger and toe, then move to the appendages, including his ears, while burning him alive."

In 2nd place is Sith Warmaster Lusankya. He suggested "Strap him into a Jedi Starfighter with a faulty astromech unit and have him lead a space battle". Another excellent suggestion, though I felt lacked the more 'personal touch', still and excellent entry.

Congratulations to you both, expect the Crescents in the post.

No new competition from me this week, a combination of new position, IG's and a new system are taking their toll...ish. But rest assured I'll have something up and ready for you to take part in next week!

New Aedile

As I have already mentioned in one of my previous emails, Callus formerly of Satal Keto has now become my new Aedile. I know you'll all greet him with the same warmth as you greet me...umm on second thoughts just be nice to him ;)

Email Change

Pretty please with Ice cakes, horrible Jaffa cakes and overly sweet tea! Please use my new email address. Hotmail, bless its Microsoft damned soul is being phased out and replaced with the more flexible, all singing and dancing [Log in to view e-mail addresses] so if you could all update your address books I wont have to force choke you, or whatever the 'in' Dark Jedi punishment is these days.

Computers, HATE HATE HATE them!

No my computer has not blown to bits and no I am not having internet problems, though in either case I may as well have. In my rather depleted wisdom I thought I could save my safe a pound or two (or dollar or two) by ordering parts for a new computer and building the thing myself. An excellent idea, right? Wrong. Well that's not strictly speaking true, it was cheap but it was by no means easy.

When the thing finally got here I began the arduous task of assembling it. Bare in mind that I ordered from the suppliers directly, lots of OEM (basically it means cheap!) and no frills equipment here. I have to build, assemble, glue cellotape and paint the blasted thing. This includes setting up the BIOS, fitting lots of fiddley wires and trying to read through a top down diagram. Think lost tourist with over sized map and you'll get the picture. And like most thing you build I have lots of cables and other junk left over. Quite where they were meant to go is anyones guess.

Once it was all plugged in and ready to go I carted the thing upstairs and plugged it up to the mains. I then hit the switch! Now for those of you who celebrate Christmas you will all know the feeling of setting up the tree lights. You sit there all expectant, as you flick the switch to see the tree all illuminated, only to find nothing happens. That happened to me, which meant more frantic referrals to the diagrams, connection checks and even a prayer to some higher power. The actual fault being the power switch cable to the motherboard was the wrong way round!!

Next challange was the graphics card. Now AGP graphics accelerators are, least in theory easy to fit. Or so they would have you believe. Plug them in, run the setup disc and bobs your uncle (or in my case bill) it all works just fine. Ah no, not at all. It stubbornly refused to accept I have a valid graphics adapter installed. I tried reasoning with it, politely suggest it was wrong, I even threatened it with a bathtub full of water! Despite the barrage of drivers, processor updates and anything else none worked. In the end I upgraded the OS to an old favorite of mine Windows 2000 Professional at which point it conceided defeat and worked! VICTORY! In YOUR FACE COMPUTER. As you can tell, it was a personal triumph.

Point of this incredibly long and dull read? Point being I can A) Play the latest game, no longer does it have the Intel Mouse in Wheel Inside technology TM and B) I have to reinstall everything onto my new Hard Drive. Which means, Graphics software, HTML editors, mIRC (hence a limited presence over the next few days) and just about everything else. So, please bare with me.

Hall on Honor

takes a deep breath Here goes, congratulations to all of you:

Acolyte Rook Paulus

IRC Basics passed, Obelisk CORE passed, Promoted to Acolyte.

Acolyte Quinlan Vacuus

IRC Basics passed (with an astonishing 100%, great work), Sith CORE passed, Promoted to Acolyte.

Krath Priest Esca Teiko Isradia

Awarded Scroll of Indoctrination, Awarded Star of Antei, Awarded Cluster of Fire.

Dark Jedi Knight Schisca

Awarded Cluster of Fire.

Guardian Thran Occasus

Awarded Cluster of Fire, Leadership Applications passed.

Protector Aabsdu

Test of Wisdom passed, Obelisk CORE passed, Krath Grammer Studies passed, Sith Flight Studies I & II passed.

Guardian Xan

Awarded Cluster of Fire.

Acolyte Dorn

Awarded Cluster of Fire. (Great work, keep it up). Promoted to Acolyte.

Dark Jedi Knight Sunflash al'Tor

Krath Grammer Studies passed.

Apprentice Anakin Rourke

Dark Jedi Meditation passed, Sith CORE passed.

Acolyte Ragnos

IRC Basics passed.

Sith Overlord Rakhai

Promoted to Overlord.

Acolyte Taslek Myntar

IRC Basics passed.

Useful Information

Here are some good links for you to visit, if there's anything you'd like to see included let me know.

Dark Brotherhood


Clan Plagueis - Our clan web site, check out Virulences super banner!


mIRC - We STILL have trout hitting contests!


Independence Games - Register and SLAUGHTER our enemies!


Photo Gallery - See Godo go all psychotic or wearing cool blue shades!


IG's or Independence Games

Another 'subtle' plug, we need to win this. Why? Because I want personal glory! Okay, maybe not but it's a great opportunity to earn yourself a little of that personal glory. If you haven't signed up for it, please do. Here's the link:


There are plenty of events to take part in and if you put in the work you may actually walk away with a pretty trinket to show for it. Also if we all do enough work and do it well enough we may actually defeat all our rivals and retire rich! ..ish. So off you go, take part and kick our rivals rear! Hard!

Sign your email

For a laugh or for those determined to seek our Grand Masters wrath, I actively encourage you to not sign your email. Or you could just leave your name after you have issued an email? Personally I just file any unsigned email under 'B' for bin. It takes next to no time to add your name to an email. Though I personally wont be brandishing a hot poker if I spot you doing it, rest assured there are those out and about who will. So please ensure you sign your email with your DB name, you could even copy your ID line from the web site. Either way, just make sure we know who you are.

Clan Channels

Always worth remembering the Clan Channels in mIRC. There's #db that's where everyone who's a member of the Dark Brotherhood hang out. There's also #exarkun formly the Clan channel this has now become our House channel. Also worth baring in mind is #plagueis the new clan channel. Though my personal favorite is #whereamI where you can expect to find a very quite channel indeed...hmm.

Final word

I don't doubt the next week or so will be a little unsettling, there's been a lot of change in fair Exar Kun. Things, I assure you will settle down. I suggest you all get on with business as usual and if you get the time to meet our newer members especially from Satal Keto that would be fantastic. There's a lot to excited about, so lets wrap up these IG's and move on to greater success!

Your Servant,


SW Godo Nurok (Sith)/QUA/Exar Kun of Plagueis [ACC: INI]

SC / StA / DC / (GN) / (SN) / (BN) / Cr-1S-1T-1Q / CF / S:-16M-2R


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