So, at work, they want me to do a job in 40 hours (for the week), that the guy before me couldn't do in 48 hours. I call this madness, pure and simple.
Well, onto the big stuff:
DB-wide AWOL checK: All you have to do is login to the DB site to reactivate your dossier. Anyone on extended leave has been taken care of already.
IG- Independence Games are almost up. Just one more week. At least do something.
Congratulations to all medal recipients, recently promoted, and those who passed SA courses.
Finally, the thing that has really been dragged out, but I can finally announce: the ship names (since I got no objections from the Tarentae):
-ESC Anubis
-VAC Necrosis
-GSP Havoc
These names won out in the end with the voting, though the overall vote totals were rather light (in other words, if you didn't vote, and don't like the names, to bad :P
That's about it for this week. Stay tuned for a small clan event or two in the near future.
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