Greetings once again Exar Kun, I believe things are settling down nicely now. There have been those all for it and those most definately opposed but now we're beginning to see some results from the merger. We're doing well so far in the Indepedence Games and our activity is through the roof. After the massive AWOL check we should see a more streamlined force at our desposal.
My computer is now operational, it has been a bit of a headache. I have re-installed the operating system twice, removed and refitted hardware and had the distinct 'pleasure' of locating drivers which can only have existed on some galaxy far, far away.
Once again, my apologies for not forming a competition for last week, but this new system has refused my domination! Still all seems to be working and I have a new contest for you all to take part in. Normally I would hand out two Crescents to the winners, but this time I have three up for grabs! To enter all you have to do is email me a wanted poster of yourself. It can be as serious or humerous as you like, there are no restrictions. You have till the Friday to get your entries to me. Here's the link for more details:
You can email me your entries at the following address: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Good luck!
With the IG's going on its been difficult to get anything else achieved, that said some of you managed to go that extra distance and do well. I salute you all!
Dark Jedi Knight Blazer Mortis
Awarded 60 Cluster of Fires (Now I am not joking, whatever he's taking I want some!), Leadership Studies passed (100%!? Now I DEFINATELY want what he's taking), IRC Basics passed, IRC Channel Operator Studies passed.
Dark Jedi Knight Sunflash al'Tor
Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star (Aedile Crossword Competition), Awarded Dark Cross.
Sith Warmaster Lusankya
Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star (Aedile Crossword Competition), Awarded 12 Cluster of Fires.
Dark Jedi Knight Schisca Archaon Azytzeen
Awarded 13 Cluster of Fires.
Guardian Xan
Awarded 16 Cluster of Fires.
Acolyte Dorn
Awarded 2 Cluster of Fires.
Protector Aabsdu
Leadership Applications passed, Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star (Fall from Grace Competition).
Guardian Rydack
Promoted to Guardian (Excellent work, well done), Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star (Fall from Grace Competition).
*Dark Jedi Knight Callus Bo'Amar *
Awarded 2 Dark Side Scrolls (Dark Voice Contributions).
Overlord Rakhai
Awarded Dark Side Scroll.
*Krath Priest Esca Teiko Isradia *
Awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star (Fall from Grace Competition), Awarded Cluster of Fire.
*Dark Jedi Knight Drodik Va'lence al'Tor *
Promoted to Dark Jedi Knight (Congratulations on earning your lightsaber, great work).
Protector Xavian Kesken
Awarded Cluster of Fire.
There is of course the change of name, Ziost has become Exar Kun for those not completely in the know. We also have some joiners from what was CSK, which includes our Aedile Callus. As we can see, they've been an excellent contribution to this house and I wouldn't say no to some more :P We also have a joiner from my old Clan Taldryan, Protector Tulkar. So if you see this individual please welcome him to the group. If any of our new recruits have any queries feel free to collar hold of Krath Priest Esca, our envoy for the clan. Naturally my door is always open.
The Independence Games are on (or IG's) and its your chance to leave your mark! There are lots of lovely awards and with our Clan doing so well, a real chance to win the whole thing. It would be a great starting point to Clan Plagueis future, so I encourage all of you to take part, please do your bit. More begging in a moment.
There's a little event called the Inter Club Training Event, or ICTE or as I prefer to call it Iced Tea! It's a chance to earn Cluster of Fires. It's on TODAY, games can be found on the mIRC channel #outerrim
For more information follow this link:
**Drodik promoted **to Dark Jedi Knight, galaxy beware! Yes, our very own Jedi Hunter Drodik has finally achieved the rank of Dark Jedi Knight! This is the true calling for every new recruit, to wield a lightsaber and summon the dark side of the force to crush his or her enemies. Well done!
Sign your emails! Whenever you send any emails to anyone in the Dark Brotherhood please leave your name or even ID signature at the end. If you don't we have no idea who you are, worse still it annoys people. As a general rule of thumb if people couldn't be bothered to leave a name I just bin it. Why should I be bothered? Thankfully I have seen few signs from this House of ignoring this request, but for all our newer members please add your name to all emails you send. Many thanks.
Emails to the House, Clan or the entire Brotherhood are excellent ways to get a message to a lot of people quickly, but please think VERY carefully before you send an email. If it's an important announcement, great! If its to notify people of any exciting events or some other bit of information that you feel a group of people need to know, also great. To open complain, point fingers, whinge or tell me you ate fish last night isn't so useful. Furthermore adding a responce to an email like that is also a pain, when you reply to one, you reply to ALL. All I ask from all members of House Exar Kun is think carefully FIRST.
Not so much news, but something humerous. Incase you missed this it's a Flash movie which actually bares some truth behind our computer woes. Needless to say it does contain strong language and I would advice caution:
<FONT face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size=2>
Yes, another utterly cheap and blatent plug for the IG's. I want to win, I want all of us to win. I want to crush all our rivals into the ground, dance around their graves chanting whos your daddy! To do this we need to take part.
Step 1: Register! Go to the following web site:
Step 2: Choose an event.
Step 3: Submit, once you've finished an event to send it in. Log back into the web site, select the event you have finished and follow the submission instructions at the bottom of the page.
Pay attention to Proconsul Braecen Isradia, who clearly defines what the IG's are, it's on the Plagueis web site, but for those not aware what he said:
_After chatting with several of our members I became increasingly alarmed that there might be some... misunderstandings... about the 2005 Independence Games!
The games were designed to celebrate our break from the Emperor's Hammer and our continued freedom from the clutches of those vile task masters. To honor this, we have included a series of games each year that show off our skills.
This is NOT exclusively a gaming competition! There are I do believe 13+ writing/poetry events! No one should be left out - so everyone fire up your pens, pencils and computers - we have an IGs to win!_
Well aside from the obvious, namely my new 'super computer', HA! It is a reformed PC, it's now doing what it's told. Fingers crossed. In actual fact, this week has been pretty uneventful. It's been a treat actually running games that use to have a comparable speed to a slug, only to change into something comparable to a cheetah. Games like Warhammer Dawn of War, previously unheard of on my old system now run like grease lightening with next to no slowdown even with the graphics settings pushed to the max!
That said, with this little triumph comes some grim news from the United Kingdom. The weather. It is an obsession over here, stop in the street and talk to anyone and the first thing you'll end up talking about is the weather. At this moment in time it's hotter than the surface of the sun, I kid you not! If I cracked an egg on the window sill I could make myself an egg sandwich! Presently I am stripped off, sweating buckets and dreaming off iceburgs, Titanic style.
Another interesting bit of news is Europe, or rather the lack of. Recently voting commenced across Europe over the future of the EU. Or European Union. Ask those against it and they'll say it takes power from the people, whilst those for it say it gives power. Either way the populace of the EU voted against it, though listen to the politicians and they'll say its a minor set back and that its going to happen anyway. Mention britain over in brussels (Capital of the EU, you might say) and they are liable to spit into the ground and curse our existance. It's great to feel so loved. All this over a 'little' tax rebate, besides who's going to miss a few billion pounds anyway?
Here are some good links for you to visit, if there's anything you'd like to see included let me know.
Dark Brotherhood
Clan Plagueis - Our clan web site, check out Virulences super banner!
mIRC - We STILL have trout hitting contests!
Independence Games - Register and SLAUGHTER our enemies!
Photo Gallery - See Godo go all psychotic or wearing cool blue shades!
Shadow Academy [<font color="#cccccc" size="2">
</font><font size="2"></font>]([
I am extremely pleased with how things are proceeding, after the IG's are over I have a few interesting things lined up as does our Aedile, Callus. Don't forget there's the Shadow Academy, it's a great place to learn about the Brotherhood and what it is to be a Dark Jedi. Furthermore its a way to achieve promotion. So my useful links section for the URL to the web site.
Your Servant,
Godo Nurok
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