Ok, so it's that time again. Time for another bi-weekly Rollmaster report from yours truly. These last two weeks have been pretty different for me as I got a new job working in a factory. It's diminished a bit of my time seeing as I work forty hours a week now plus overtime, but I have managed to keep up. So we'll start the way we always do, with an activity report.
Activity Report:
JH Brujah:
Promoted from GRD to JH
Awared 2 Cluster of Fire Awards
NOV platismaul:
Promoted from APP to NOV
Passed the Sith Core Exam
PRT Panzerous:
Passed Sith Flight Studies II: ESET Exam
ACO Revan1990:
Passed the Sith Core Exam
Passed the Test of Wisdom
Passed the IRC Basics Exam
NOV Katanakaji Hitomi Masahiko:
Promoted from APP to NOV
Passed the Sith Core Exam
Passed the Obelisk Core Exam
Passed the Krath Poetry Exam
APP Revan Ardrus:
Passed the MSN Messenger Exam
NOV Pryde:
Promoted from APP to NOV
Passed Obelisk Core Exam
PRT Chokehold:
Promoted from APP to PRT (WOW!)
Passed Dark Jedi Meditation Exam
Passed Sith Core Exam
Passed IRC Basics Exam
Passed MSN Messenger Exam
Passed Sith Flight Studies I: ISET Exam
Passed Sith Flight Studies II: ESET Exam
Passed Sith Tactics Exam
GRD Aksle:
Promoted from PRT to GRD
Awarded 2 Cluster of Fire Awards
Passed Dark Jedi Meditation Exam
Passed Krath Runon Exam
OT Voldemort:
Awarded Cluster of Fire Award
NOV Asmodai:
Promoted from APP to NOV
Passed Dark Jedi Meditation Exam
Passed Sith Flight Studies I: ISET Exam
Passed IRC Basics Exam
NOV Pithius:
Passed IRC Basics Exam
NOV Transf:
Promoted from APP to NOV
I think every single one of our new members (and even some of our veterans) could take a lesson from PRT Chokehold. On June 12th he was promoted from APP to NOV...that means in less than six days he went from NOV to PRT. That's the kind of activity that we like to see, and I'd like to say a big congratulations to him for his efforts. He is definitely the Activity All-Star of this report.
Master/Student Program:
Nothing new to mention here again this week. I received e-mails from two of our three Masters telling me where they are with their Apprentice. Still waiting on that last one.
Rank Progression:
Lots of Promotions since my last report and that's very good to see. Keep up the good work and remember that if you have any questions about how to reach your next rank you can always e-mail me and I will find out the answer for you.
The Independence Games have almost reached their conclussion, but there is still time for you to do a few events. So go to http://www.independencegames.net/independence and get to it! I'd like to see all of our members do at least one event, and it don't get much easier than a Caption Contest so if you haven't already done go do at least one event.
Wel, I believe that's it for this Rollmaster Report. Until next time...
May Darkness Guide You,
JH Brujah (Sith)/RM/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: SKR]
DC / Cr-1A-1S / CF
{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:LS - G:CM - G:LA - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:HTML1 - G:MED - K:GS - K:POET - K:AP - K:RO - O:CORE - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC}
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