This report wont be a friendly one unlike my last couple. I am very disappointed by the number of participants in the Independence games. I do realize that some of you are new so you are exempt from this rant. And those of you who participated will be awarded as promised. I just dont like the idea of only a few members carrying the weight of 60. That's right 60 members and only a handful of you even did anything. This is'nt just a rant to Oriens Obscurum so dont feel singled out if you didnt do anything. There is no excuse for this. If Arcona is gonna function as a unit dont you think we need to do something! why are we slowly becoming the worst clan in the DB? well I'll tell you. Lack of activity, leadership, and people who dont have enough backbone to follow through with what they say they are going to do. Yeah I got enough intestinal fortitude to say it. And if the Clan Summit wants to scold me for it so be it. I'm sick of us getting laughed at by the other clans. So dont you think it's time we did something about it? We have had members leave and join other clans. why? I dont know the answer but I do know that we need to fix the problem and fix it fast. There is only so much I can do as a leader, I need cooperation from you, the members. I feel that I have failed you all as a leader and I dont want to be a burden to you. Somehow deep inside I feel like I could do so much more but with the LACK of activity it makes my job that much harder. If you members join and dont get stuff done then your going to be cut from our roster and you can weigh down another clan's roster if you wish. I'm sick of it. I do have some simple questions for you. Why did you join the DB, a club based on having fun and getting to know others if you are just going to sit around and not do anything? Do you want to make this clan a bad ass force to be reckoned with, or would you rather be labelled as a loser? Is there a reason you all cant find anything to do even when I put up a list of competitions and such in my reports? or do you just not read my reports? and the last question I can answer myself. Can one person make a difference? the answer is simple. If one person does all he/she can then they will not only gain my respect but they will be helping this house more then they think.
This report will be short not only because I'm furious but because I dont want to waste my time with members that arent interested in doing anything for the "TEAM"
I've told you all time and time again that if you EVER have any questions, if your un sure of something, even if you want to leave. E-MAIL me and tell me. If you want to leave let me know and I can remove you. It will look alot better then you just sitting there doing absolutely nothing.
And once again I apologize to the ones that find time to do thing's. I have a great deal of respect for you and I really appreciate you being here. A question to the active members. Am I not fair? Have I not awarded activity? I think I have. So if you guy's are asking me why you havent gotten a promotion or a medal then the answer is clear. You havent done anything to deserve one.
A few thing's:
If you havent gotten IRC I would like to see you all get it. It is a great way to get to know all of us. And for those of you who are new I'm not an asshole :P just when I rant. The link is -
Message boards -
Also Octavian, WasTheOne and I have been working on a website. If you havent seen it then now is the time to check it out. Note a few thing's need to be added. -
GRD WasTheOne has been awarded a Star of Antei!
PRT Lucius has been awarded a Dark Cross!
JH Dark Hunter has been awarded a Cluster of Fire!
KP Octavian has been awarded a Dark Side Scroll!
KP Octavian has been awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side!
SW Quejo Bandon Drakai has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x2!
SWL Xu Long (aka: Syn Kaek) has been promoted to SO!
APP Nemeroth has been promoted to NOV!
APP Ominous has been promoted to NOV!
PRT Andras has been promoted to GRD!
NOV Jair has been promoted to ACO!
APP Salnar has been promoted to NOV!
PRT Keno has been promoted to GRD!
PRT WasTheOne has been promoted to GRD!
ACO Lucius has been promoted to PRT!
Congrats all keep up the activity and more promos and medals will be in your future.
Shadow Academy Graduations:
Ominous has passed the ACC Initiates Course!
Revaan has passed the ACC Initiates Course!
Jair has passed the ACC Initiates Course!
Draconum has passed the ACC Initiates Course!
Revaan has passed the Krath Core Exam!
Revaan has passed the MSN Messenger Exam!
Draconum has passed the Sith Flight Studies 1: ISET Exam!
Lucius has passed the Conflict Mediation Exam!
Congrats keep it up!
APP Joran has transferred from Rogues to Oriens Obscurum!
APP Mauler has transferred from Rogues to Oriens Obscurum!
ACO Jair has left Oriens Obscurum
APP Nemeroth has transferred from Rogues to Oriens Obscurum!
SW Sykes Rokir Jade went to Rogues. We'll miss you man.
APP Ominous has transferred from Rogues to Oriens Obscurum!
APP Octa-Navia has transferred from Rogues to Oriens Obscurum!
APP Funko has transferred from Rogues to Oriens Obscurum!
APP Garo Orionos has transferred from Rogues to Oriens Obscurum!
APP Sangrax has transferred from Rogues to Oriens Obscurum!
Welcome all of you I hope that you will have a good time here and if there is anything I can do to make your stay better email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and I'll get back to you. I have an open door policy and I live by it. So if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions drop me a line.
Well that's it for this weeks report. I'm sure I'll have more to report next week. Right guy's? :P
Dont take this report the wrong way I am pleased with the rebuilding of HOO I would just like to see more activity. That's all.
Your Quaestor,
SW Quejo Bandon Drakai
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