Ok, so it's Saturday and that means it's time for another Rollmaster report. The IG's ended and the results are coming in now. Congratulations to everyone in the House/Clan that placed in an event. I'd like to personally thank all of you for working so hard in the IG"s to make our clan look great. But, without further delay, lets get to the important stuff.
Activity Report:
This is undoubtedly one the biggest Activity Report's of my short career as Rollmaster. A very good two weeks for activity, keep it up!
APP Satavilcious:
Passed the Dark Jedi Meditation Exam
ACO Pryde:
Promoted from NOV to ACO
Passed the ACC Initiates Exam
JH Brujah:
Passed the Krath Core Exam
Passed the ACC Initiates Exam
Awarded 2 Cluster of Fire Awards
Awarded 2 Dark Cross Awards
PRT Majon:
Promoted from APP to PRT
Passed the IRC Basics Exam
Passed the Dark Jedi Meditation Exam
Passed the MSN Messenger Exam
Passed the Obelisk Core Exam
Passed the Conflict Mediation Exam
Passed the Sith Tactics Exam
Passed the HTML Basics Exam
Passed the Leadership Studies Exam
Awarded a Dark Cross Award
ACO Katanakaji Hitomi Masahiko
Promoted from NOV to ACO
NOV Vandrhein:
Promoted from APP to NOV
SWL Predator:
Passed the ICQ Studies Exam
Passed the Sith Core Exam
Passed the Sith Flight Studies II: ESET Exam
Passed the Conflict Mediation Exam
Passed the ACC Initiates Course Exam
Passed the MSN Messenger Exam
Passed the Obelisk Core Exam
Passed the HTML Basics Exam
Awarded 2 Cluster of Fire Awards
Awarded a Dark Cross Award
GRD Aksle
Awarded a Cluster of Fire Award
APP Cantu zigo:
Passed the Sith Core Exam
NOV Cin Quarto se chuta:
Promoted from APP to NOV
SW Dakari:
Promoted from DJK to SW
Passed the ACC Initiates Course Exam
GRD Panzerus:
Promoted from PRT to GRD
Passed the Leadership Studies Exam
Passed the Leadership Applications Exam
Passed the Sith Tactics Exam
Passed the ACC Initiates Course Exam
Passed the Conflict Mediation Exam
Passed the ICQ Studies Exam
Passed the ICQ Channel Operator Studes Exam
Passed the Krath Core Exam
JH Hideki Tetsuya:
Passed the ACC Initiates Course Exam
NOV Gwydion Stormcaster:
Promoted from APP to NOV
Like I said that's my biggest activity report yet as Rollmaster of HDS, and I love seeing that. I had too hard of a time choosing between them so the co-Activity All-Stars of this Report are SWL Predator and PRT Majon, both of whom did a whole lot over the past two week.
Master/Student Program
Warlord Vally Aquillarum Tamalar/Jedi Hunter Hideki Tetsuya
Dark Jedi Master Arania Aquillarum Lawakiro Palpatine/Guardian Exiodias "Dias" Marr
Warrior Dakari/Guardian Aksle
Warrior Dakari/Protector Majon
Primarch Mage/Protector Jaxor Baine
Warlord Predator/Guardian Panzerus
These are our current Master/Student pairings as far as I am aware. If I am missiong a pair please e-mail me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and let me know. I would like a brief report from ALL Masters about their progress with their Apprentice so I can update my records.
If you are between the ranks of PRT and JH and want a Master please e-mail me and let me know and I will do my best to get you set up with someone. For those of you reading this that are not yet the rank of Protector and still want the help that a Master would give, feel free to e-mail me and I will help you the best I can to get you to your next rank so you can get an official Master.
Rank Progression:
Like I just said, I'm completely willing to help anyone get to their next rank to the best of my abilities. So if you want to make your next rank and are unsure how, or have any questions at all about it get in contact with me either through e-mail or on IRC.
Well, I believe that's it for this Rollmaster Report. Everyone keep up the good work!
May Darkness Guide You,
JH Brujah (Sith)/CMDR-RM/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: SKR]
DC-KC-O / Cr-1A-1S / CF
{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:LS - G:CM - G:LA - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:HTML1 - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:AP - K:RO - O:CORE - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC}
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