Consul Report


Consul Report

Taldryan Consul Report 7-2-05 Report # 103

Busy bunch of days this week, both in DB and real life. I feel like I’ve accomplished quite a bit that will help Taldryan keep moving in the right direction, so you should all be happy. I was going to wait until next week to send this report, but I’ve got a good amount of info and some free time, so I figured why not write it now?

IMPORTANT!! Massive DB-wide AWOL Check Running NOW!

All members MUST login on by July 14th or bad things will happen! If you are under the rank of DJK and haven’t logged in by then, your dossier and all of your information will be permanently deleted. If you are above the rank of DJK and don’t login, your dossier will be set to invisible, and next year at this time, deleted.

Here are INSTRUCTIONS on re-activating your dossier:

  1. Log in to the DB website (

That’s it, it's that easy.

Please take a moment to login by July 14th.

Clan Taldryan News

-This week I made some changes to the Envoys in Clan Taldryan. The new Clan Envoy is Xuthen, and the new Dinaari Envoy is Kraval. Together with Dark Sabre, these three will work with our new members to get them better acclimated with our Clan.

-There is a Run-on for all Taldryan members who are ranked JH or lower going on right now. Go to the message boards here: to participate. This is a great way for new members to get involved in the Clan, so check it out!

-Both House Summits are working on competitions that will start soon. Signups for Dinaari’s competition have already started; check Benevolent’s newest report for details on that. After the House competitions are over, there will be a Clan competition Shadow and I are working on.

-I have results for the “What’s your story” competition that was running a few weeks ago, and here they are:

1st – Dalthid

2nd – Kraval

3rd – Flech

Congratulations to you three, and good job everyone who participated. Medals for the winners will be going out very soon.

-To give all of you something to do, I will be reviving the “Quick & Easy CON Comp” series again. These are competitions that usually only take less than a minute to participate in, and are fun & easy. I’ll setup the first one as soon as I finish this report, check your email for another email from me soon.

-I received activity tracking from the summits the other day, and medals have been given to those of you who have been active in the past month. REMEMBER – if you participate in any competition outside of the Clan, you HAVE to email your QUA and AED to let them know if you want credit for it!

-House Ektrosis has revised their promotion guide, you can view it here:

-The newest issue of the Tal Times was released last week, you can see it here:

We’re going to start working on the new issue this week!

-The first round of voting for the ‘Tallys’ is complete. As soon as I can talk to Benevolent we will be cutting the number of choices down and starting the second round, I’ll email the mailing list when you can all begin voting again.

-We've gotten a TON of new members in the past two weeks, so I'd just like to welcome all of you to Taldryan and encourage you to email me and let me help you become active members of the Clan! My email is always open, just shoot one off to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and I can help you out!

-Ektrosis QUA Dark Sabre has returned from his leave of absence, welcome back DS!

-If you haven’t already, you should take a moment to check out the “Clan Values” and remember to use/live them in your daily DB lives (

  • No trivia in this report, due to only 2 people doing it each of the last two weeks. I want to take this opportunity to remind you all that to advance in the Clan powers hierarchy, you are required to have a diverse collection of medals, and LSs (trivia medals) are included in those. So when I do trivia…take the opportunity to earn the medals!

-Remember to check the ‘Competitions’ section of the Taldryan website for things to keep you active (

DB News

-The Independence Games have ended. As it currently stands, the results are in for 25 of the 35 total events. I hope anyone who participated had fun!

-GM’s weekly report can be seen here:

-“DB Radio”, a streaming source of music chosen by DB members, has been started. You can read more about it and find a link to try it out here:

-New MTs (monthly writing topics) for this month are “Old Words” (epic), “The Dark God named Krath” (poetry), and “The Fall of Ulic Qel-Droma” (story). Also Character Development #9 is running, its topic is “Death”. All of these should be submitted to the KHP at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Lots of writing for anyone who wants to do it!

-Don’t forget to login on so you get marked active and your dossier isn’t deleted (see special section above)

-There is a new SA Course for ACC Initiates; hopefully it will help any of you who want to get started in the Antei Combat Center. It can be found here:

-Be sure to visit for all the news.

Medals, Promotions, and Transfers


Taigikori – Dark Cross

Zhilvinas – Dark Cross

Baali – Dark Cross

Dark Sabre – Legion of the Scholar, Dark Cross, Amethyst Crescent, Clusters of Fire

Mallikanis – Dark Cross, Scroll of Indoctrination

Chaosrain – Star of Antei, Clusters of Fire, Quartz, Emerald Crescents, Legion of the Scholar (3)

Kraval – Steel Cross, Ruby, Amethyst Crescents

Yu-Long – Star of Antei, Clusters of Fire

Jaymz – Star of Antei, Clusters of Fire

Duga – Star of Antei, Clusters of Fire, Emerald, Sapphire Crescents

Nexusmage - Clusters of Fire

Crix – Legion of the Scholar

Bubbles – Legion of the Scholar

Adalyn - Clusters of Fire


APP Karnn to ACO

NOV Carrnn to ACO


APP Carth Teeris to Dinaari

APP Jor Cortan to Dinaari

APP Baali Sutekh to Ektrosis

APP Cailous to Dinaari

APP Credan Lirus to Dinaari

APP Aevin Lightwave to Dinaari

APP Valeema to Ektrosis

APP Sith Ari to Dinaari

APP Emi to Ektrosis

APP isken to Dinaari

APP Atreyu Phaede


No trivia in this report, due to only 2 people doing it each of the last two weeks. I want to take this opportunity to remind you all that to advance in the Clan powers hierarchy, you are required to have a diverse collection of medals, and LSs (trivia medals) are included in those. So when I do trivia…take the opportunity to earn the medals!

READ THIS if you don’t have IRC!!!

This new section of my report is dedicated to providing information about IRC (internet relay chat). If I had to name one thing that makes a successful Taldryan member, I would say IRC useage. It is required for all of the Clan’s leaders, and all of our most active members can be found there. I have found out that many members read my reports, and some of them don’t use IRC, and I am hoping I can change this.

Here are some quick things about IRC:

-It is a free download (it says you have to ‘register’ it within 30 days, but you never have to)

-It’s VERY simple to use

-All the most active people are on it

-There are almost always people around

-Some competitions are only available on IRC

-You get to know people much better

-You get more of the Taldryan ‘team feeling’ if you are on it

-Being active on IRC can be a reason to get medals/promotions

-Our clan channels get a little crazy sometimes, and its fun!

-You can message individuals like AIM, and talk in chatrooms (multiple rooms at the same time)

How can I get IRC? For Windows users the most popular IRC program is mIRC, which you install on your computer and use just as you would an instant messenger. mIRC is only a free trial, but you may use it as long as you want without penalty (other than a few annoying messages telling you to register). You can find mIRC here:

If you can't install stuff on your computer or you're constantly switching computers in a lab, you can also use the DB IRC, which is a java applet (to be used through your browser) allowing you to talk in only one channel or room at a time. DB IRC can be found here:

IRC is very popular and therefore has many servers and channels. This makes it hard to find what you want unless you know what you're doing. Therefore make sure to use the following settings when starting up IRC:

Network: Undernet

Brotherhood Channel: #db

Clan Channel: #taldryan

Have IRC but confused on how to get things going? Well you are in luck, the Shadow Academy has several IRC courses, and the first one is very helpful and for new users. Just go to the SA ( and then click on ‘General Studies’, and then the ‘IRC Basics’ course. It will guide you through how to use IRC. If you’re still having trouble or don’t like how the SA course is laid out, you can read the IRC guide written by QUA Shadow ( It has images of the menus and everything, and is very helpful!

I hope to see a lot of you on IRC!


-If you ever need to see an old Consul report, all of mine are up on!

That’s all for this week, as always if you have any questions/comments/just want to talk, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just go onto IRC as I’m logged on quite often as Kir! Or talk to me on AIM, my screen-name is “ConsulKir”!

Multiplayer Competitions-

Tuesday 1v1 Night

Multiplayer gaming night that will be held all day Tuesday in #gmrg. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Tuesdays are "solo" nights; meaning only 1 vs. 1 games will be played. Signup bots will not be used; you have to find matches by chatting in #gmrg or messaging people on IRC. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses.

Thursday Team Night

Multiplayer gaming night that will be all day Thursday in #gmrg. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Thursdays are "team" nights, meaning matches can only be played with at least teams of 2 vs. 2. Signup bots will not be used; you have to find matches by chatting in #gmrg or messaging people on IRC. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses.

Interclub Training Event

Multiplayer gaming night that will be held every Saturday evening in #outerrim. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Players come from DB and allied online gaming groups. Signup bots will be used, so use the !signup command on IRC to get matches in #outerrim. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses.

Biweekly Sunday Tournament

Those people who participate in at least one match in the above listed weekly multiplayer competitions will be invited to play every other week in a Tournament on Sunday. There isn’t any specific structure, you just play as many matches as you would like and the person with the most wins during the day wins the Tournament. Everyone gets points for wins that they can use to buy personal possessions, and the total of all the points Taldryan members earn the Clan also earns as a whole to buy cool Clan stuff!

_Important Links – _

Dark Brotherhood –

Antei Combat Center –

Message Boards -

Shadow Academy -

Dark Side Compendium -

Clan Taldryan -

House Dinaari -

House Ektrosis -

Taldryan Codex -

Competitions Page -

IRC Guide -

Summit Members –

CON Kir Taldrya Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

PCON Shadow Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari QUA Benevolent Taldrya Whiner ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari AED Duga ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis QUA Dark Sabre ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis AED Chaosrain ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Mailing lists -

Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Dinaari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

These email addresses send messages to everyone in the Clan or House they are addressed to.

Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server

IP Address:

Password: Talpwnz

Cohors Praetoria Taldryan – Kraval and Duga

In Darkness,

Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn

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