Jedi Knight Week of War


Jedi Knight Week of War

Well, this is a wee bit out of my jurisdiction... but seeing as I'm the one who runs our efforts on, I thought I'd write a little bit about it.

For anyone who is interested, there is a Week of War taking place on the MSN Gaming zone from 1am Friday June 13... I guess, an hour ago, to 1am June 20th... 7 days from now.

I don't know how these work specifically in regards to game settings etc, but I assume it's like the XvT and XWA ones where you work that out.

To participate in the War, you must first be registered on and must be in the DJB's Club... ID 3255. If you want to participate, and don't know where to start when it comes to the whole BSC thing... send me an email and I'll walk you through it as best as I can.

For the sake of garnering more activity and getting our name better known on the zone, we are awarding double the CFs for this... and giving pity ones if you get yer butt whooped :)
Falls down like this...
1 Win = 2 CFs
2 Losses = 1 CF

So, get out and play :)


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