Another weekly report from your favorite promoted commander!
DB News
There is a new SA JA server password due to the incident last week. If you weren't there here is the basics. A clan using the prefix GIA came into our server while I was training Aevin and Baali and they began to lame us by using force choke and jumping up while their friends shot us. They managed to be quite annoying until some amins showed up and kicked them all out. So if you need the new password just check out the main page.
The KHPs office has announced a new debate competition and kir and shad have sent out emails asking for volunteers. If you're interested, just let them know
Do you remember when Pyralis offered that challenge of which clan is the best and will win the ICTE for July 2nd? Well as we all know Taldryan owned it. Hardcore. Great job to all those who helped us win!!!!!!
Dinaari News
Duga has started a bryars competition, so get into JO and start shootin eachother up kidos!
Ben has also started a linked souls tournament in which you email him and CC duga and tell them what games you can do like JO, JA, and/or ACC. So far only 3 people have signed up so that means the one team will get the medals just for showing up. So let him know if you want in on it team, its easy medals right there.
DFB News
We have another new guy joining us, so everyone welcom Aevin Lightwave!
I've decided that I'll probably be doing my comp after ben and duga's get over with, which will probably be either late this month or early next.
Zhilvinas 1 Dark Cross
Mallikanis 1 Dark Cross
Taigikori 1 Dark Cross
Baali 1 Dark Cross, 4 CFs
Aevin 10 CFs (good job aevin!)
as for the rest of you who got a dark cross, all i can say is, you lucky bastards :P
Personal News
Well, I have a three day weekend starting tomorrow and I would love for nothing more than to game all day saturday and sunday. I need 22 more CFs and then ill have a CF with a platinum flame!! Sadly, since my wireless is still being a piece and doesnt want to accept the range expander i bought, me and my mom are going to take my computer downstairs, uninstall the whole wireless system and rebuild it using windows to manage it and try to get the wireless to allow the range expander in. I don't know how long it will take on saturday, it could be a few hours or it could take the whole day. So there is a possibility that I won't be on at all on saturday. So this is to you my younger members; get out there and game like there is no tomorrow!!! I want to see my email box on sunday stuffed with letters telling me that my members got lots of shinies!!
DJK Kraval Novir (Sith)/CMDR-EP/Dinaari of Taldryan [GMRG: G:SHW] [KSOE: ENV]
SC-SoA / StA-LS / Cr-1R-7A-6S-4E-2T-2Q / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF-GoF / LSB / DSS / S:-1R
{SA: U:TL - U:TE - U:TA - G:LS - G:LA - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:MED - O:CORE - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC}
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