Satal Keto Aedile Report
Report ID: V 01
Aedile: JH Virulence Saj Bezatyne
Greetings HSK! Well, Ive been here for almost a week now, and I must say, Im impressed with the amount of activity Ive seen so far. While Ive been settling into the position, and trying to get a feel for the way Warhunter runs things, my inbox has had a steady stream of emails. In a time of the year when the DB is supposed to be slow, its nice to see the house remaining active! Speaking of activity, it is my job to keep you guys up to date with the latest news on the many activities the DB has to offer. So without further delay, I bring you this weeks Satal Keto Aedile Report!
pauses for the enormous round of cheers and applause
Everyone be sure to Cc both your Quaestor and Aedile on ALL competition submissions, unless otherwise stated in the competition details, so we can keep track of your activity!
HSK Competitions:
Aedile competition: Where's Warhunter?
You have an important matter to discuss with your Quaestor, yet Warhunter
is not in his office.
Write a list of the top 10 places you would look for him, and a minimum of
1 page describing where you found him and what he was doing.
TNR at 12 pt, .rtf, .txt., or .doc
Include dossier number and ID line please.
email entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject Wheres Warhunter? Submission [Your name here]
Start Date: 7/23/2005
End Date: 8/6/2005
4th level crescents
Envoy competition: Building it up
Fiction 1-2 pages.
For those PRT and below to increase activity!
As House Satal Keto members it is time to start working on your future!
For this competition you are to write a short piece of fiction.
About: Due to HSK not being as well known in Clan Plagueis you need "Get to know" Members of House Exar Kun and House Bane! Write any type of
interaction! This could be from Meeting Important Guests at a dinner party
or Going to spy on a rival House or clan. Make sure you talk about a
member from one of the houses and how you two work together in your task.
But above all be creative!
Judging Critria: Creativeness, Including a member from one of the othe
Houses in Clan Plagueis, Flow of story and Believabilty.
Email entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with "Comp- BIU [Insert Name]" as the subject.
Start Date: 7/15/2005
End Date: 7/31/2005
4th level Crescents
Clan Competitions
CP - Current Events - July 05
We are a new Clan, forged from two great Clans. As such, we need to fill our archives with new and exciting happenings from around Plagueis.
Disciples of Plagueis are invited to write a short story (2+ pages) about an event that has taken place this month. This can be any number of things from Braecen stepping down and Luciens appointment, your ascension in rank, or anything that interests you.
Email entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with CP Current Events [Your name here] as the subject.
Start Date: 7/1/2005
End Date: 7/31/2005
3rd level Crescents
I have also heard that our P-CON Lucien is preparing a massive, Clan-wide competition that sounds like it should be a lot of fun. So keep you eyes peeled for that, and I will keep you informed on the developments as I hear them.
DB competitions
Old Words
Information has been 'received' that a group of young Jedi Knights have uncovered a book filled with ancient Krath rituals previously unknown. The Krath High Priestess has given the order for anyone willing to go to Duxn and retrieve this book from the tomb of Freedon Nadd. You may go by yourself or with a team of up to three people. Expect to encounter poor conditions and some uptight Jedi Knights. Bring back that book at all costs.
10 pages or more Times New Roman at 12 point font, .rtf or .doc please. You may co-write with up to two other people. Please include dossier numbers and ID lines.
Email entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with Old Words Submision[Your name here] as the subject.
Start Date: 7/1/2005
End Date: 8/31/2005
1st level Crescents
KMT: The Dark God named Krath
Any style ten lines or more TNR at 12 pt, .rtf, .txt., or .doc
Include dossier number and ID line please.
Email entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with Dark God Named Krath[Your name here] as the subject.
Start Date: 7/1/2005
End Date: 7/31/2005
2nd level Crescents
KMT: The Fall of Ulic Qel-Droma
In one page or more, look back on the history of Ulic Qel-Droma and retell his fall to the Dark Side.
TNR at 12 pt, .rtf or .doc
Include dossier number and ID please.
Email entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with Fall of Ulic Qel-Droma[Your name here] as the subject.
Start Date: 7/1/2005
End Date: 7/31/2005
2nd level Crescents
Character Development #9: Death
You are at the end of your life. How do you die? What's on the other side? two pages TNR at 12 pt. .rtf or .doc please
Include dossier number and ID line.
Email entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with Character Development 9[Your name here] as the subject.
Start Date: 7/1/2005
End Date: 7/31/2005
2nd level Crescents
Gaming and ICTE
Every Tuesday and Thursday the DB sponsers an open gaming event in channel #GMRG on the Undernet IRC Server. Platforms involved are JO/JA/Xvt/XWA/SWGB, etc. You earn a Cluster of Fire for every win and one for every three losses! This leads up to the Inter-Club Training Event (or ICTE for short), which is hosted every Saturday in #outerrim. In this event you will play not only fellow DB'ers but gamers from other clubs! Also, by gaming in any of these functions, you will qualify to participate in the bi-weekly Sunday Tournament!
Also, gamers can get the latest on Star Wars gaming news on the SWGN news page at
For information on the Brotherhoods Rites of Combat, visit
The DBs server list can be found at
The latest patches and utilities can be found at
A summary of gaming events can be found at
Antei Combat Center
You might often hear of it referred to as the 'ACC' for short. This is where members can participate in 'combat writing', it is a place to utilize a Character Sheet and not only role-play, but sharpen your writing skills into precise accurate slices. It is often graded on, not who lives/dies, but ingenuity, continuity, grammar and realism!
Shadow Academy
Known as the 'SA' for short, this is the place of learning within the Dark Brotherhood. In truth, every member could learn something there. However, it is often used to teach Apprentice, Novice, and Acolyte ranks about the DB! It is the quickest way to reach the rank of Protector and begin your Trials to Knighthood!
Archive Submissions
The Clan website has a section for Member Archives, used to display the various works from the Clans members, for everyone to see. Anyone can submit works, of fiction or graphics, at any time. If anyone has work they would like to see placed in the archives, please send them to me, Warhunter, or our Envoy Xen, and well make sure to get them in there. Please send all submissions with the subject Archive Submission[Your name here]
Clan Message Boards
Yes, we still use message boards to talk to one another, or to relate relatively involved thought that otherwise cant get broken up in the IRC channels... Definitely check it out; dont be afraid to sign up and post either!
CP / HSK Websites
Information on either House Satal Keto, or Clan Plagueis, can easily be found on the websites, located at:
Satal Keto Site:
Plagueis Site:
IRC activity is required for advancement within the House and Clan, so naturally I STRONGLY encourage everyone to join us in channel #plagueis. Its not only the place to get the latest news on whats happening in the Clan, but also a great place to hang out and get to know your Clanmates. So if youre not already familiar with IRC, be sure to go to
Come join us and slap someone around with the trout for a bit!
Thats all for this week. If I missed anything, or if anyone has any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact me either by email at
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
or on IRC.
Your Servant In Darkness
JH Virulence Saj Bezatyne (Krath)
Apprentice to KP Lucien Triadus Isradia
Aedile of Satal Keto
Disciple of Plagueis
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