Krath High Priestess Report


Krath High Priestess Report

** -> Special Krath Type Announcements <- **

Nothing really special to report this week. DS started up the Debate Competition and it seems to be going pretty well despite the rocky start. That's my fault so don't go beat him up. Oh and it seems the Forums are down. Not sure how long it's been like that or how long it'll be until things are fixed. Because of this delay there'll be an extension to the posting times. The first round will be over when the last debaters are done and we get a chance to go over them. I'll make news posts this time!

** -> Krath News <- **
The MTs and the Character Development competitions will come to a close at 11:59 pm EST July 31st. Make sure you submit your story/poem! The epic competition will continue on through August. Remember that you can co-write with up to two others on this and kick some lightie butt while connecting to the Dark Side. What more could you want? Soon as I get more time IRL I'll start rolling out some minor changes to the Krath site. Our biggest project continues to be a reworking of the current Krath history plus few little items to tack onto that. The project kinda stalled out because of me but it'll get back on track here shortly. More to come so keep watching!

** -> Krathy Hook Ups <- **

Hey got some links for you all to browse.
The Krath Site
Writer's Corner
Debate Competition
Location of the Debates
Epic Competition: Old Words
Character Development #9: DeathPoem MT: The Dark God named Krath
Story MT: The Fall of Ulic Qel-Droma

** -> Krath-i-ness! <- **

Heh well the crazy thing for this week was not so awesome. I had been planning out this party for my grandparent's and things were going rather well until that day. My grandpa has Parkinson's along with many other things and he had a bad shaking fit the morning of the party. An ambulance took him to the hospital shortly before we all came over to start setting things up. He came out of his fit and came home to some good food and family. Well the neighbors didn't see him come home but saw a lot of people coming over a few hours after the ambulance took him. People carrying food and sticking around for a while, heh, it's a good sign that someone has died so they all thought my grandpa had died. It was a great party though and it was good to see those two old people enjoying themselves.<p>Ok I just have this next weekend to get through and I'll be more active again. Planning a big party and a wedding in less than five weeks is taxing! The best way to get a hold of me is through email. I might be slow to respond but at least I'll respond. :P Ok I'm done blabbing now.</p>

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