It's been a while since i put out a report. I'll apologize for that. First I was terribly busy with rebirth stuff and then real life up and through me out the third floor window.
So here, a month since my last report. You guys have done pretty well, considering. We did all right in the IG. Not great, but we placed, which means a lot to me, and to many of you. I don't know about many of you guys, but when i started here, Sadow was an underdog. We were perennially second to last. And we have finally come into our own. We went from that low to taking second in the Krath War, and fourth in the IG. And that's a nice little ego boost, one that we don't often get the pleasure of in real life. <p> And we have seven days until rebirth. And honestly, I'm going to be slammed bloody solid with stuff i need to do for it. I'm more than a little behind, as my computer keeps freaking out and eating my work. Hell is full of bad hardware.<p>
We have a few people looking at knighthood, having finished their trials and all that rot. I imagine that there will be a few more sabers getting waved around in the next few days.<p>
So i get this PM the other night on irc. basically someone wanting to chat, but seeing as how i was in another program, working my arse off, i didn't notice for a few minutes. This guy (Who, btw isn't even in the clan, nor a really good friend or anything) got ticked off that i didn't respond to his attempt to alleviate his boredom, and left a nasty message about how i shouldn't bother being on IRC when i'm doing something else. Sorry. I thought that people might enjoy the stuff I am drawing up for use as purchasable items under rebirth, or the wicked competition ideas or storylines i am trying to develop. Or maybe like the idea that i do go through the roster when i can to see if anyone deserves a promotion or a medal. So, if i'm not immediately available for small talk, have a little patience. Goat and I, and Bob, Manji, Raist and Kat...we all have a lot on our plate, trying to make the DB better, and more fun for everyone. Remember that we all have only so much time to spend. As it sits, It's like i have two jobs here, as i spend so many hours on the DB. Not that i mind spending the time...but please don't crap a cold purple twinkie at me for not having time to mess around at this critical junction of the DB's history.
So what has Muz done toward this? Well, you all saw the sabre guide by now. And i already mentioned some stuff about rebirth stuff. no, I can't say more. And the plans i have for the coming comps i have in mind are pretty sweet, and will have a more epic feel, and a chance for every one of you...down to the become an important part of Naga Sadow History. I still do some custom sabers when i have time. And I somehow manage to play a game or so of MP a week, to try to make our clan some points.
In personal news, I'm having one of those years. You know, where nothing goes as planned. I found rust on one of my swords. Now this makes me stop whatever i am doing, and realize that something has gone horribly horribly wrong. So I'll take that as the gods warning to me.
And goat told me I'm too nice. So if I tear anyone up into little chunks, their next of kin can blame him. ;)
<p> Now for the corner of recognition.
Kat - for taking over aedile and watching HMR while Manji is off in the land of the rising sun.
Macron - for help on the saber guide, kicking up a new run-on, and being a wicked cool advisor in general.
Dessan - For DJBhosting, the DB Radio, and letting me dj my evil and twisted industrial and techno on the station.
Manesh and Voort - for making us look sweet by pwning the IGs. Well done.
Sledge (Sanjuro) - for getting off of your butt and making me look good, joining the Keibatsu and making Jedi Hunter in one fell swoop.
Lexy - for coming clean about her bullcrap, not making me award the Golden Shovel, and having the guts to talk about it.
Acerbus and Shadow Soul - for having the cahones to get in on the run-on and play with the big boys. You'll go far, keep it up.
WereDan - for being a tool on IRC. We need diversity in there, otherwise it gets dull. Thanks for bringing it.
Kreth - For being assigned as my student and not sending an email. That makes me feel so loved. :P
Okay, that's all for this report, although i promise that they will be more frequent.
-> <-
KE Muz Ashen Keibatsu (Krath)/LHoJ-P:HRLD-PCON/Naga Sadow (Dossier # 3714)
the Lion of Tarthos</p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>
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