To: Hands of Terror Battleteam, House Dorimad Sol
Subject: Report #1
From: Venquis Rhydd Arcanum, Obelisk Sergeant; Dark Jedi Knight
·Hello everyone, and welcome to this very exclusive first report from this team. I am DJK Venquis Rhydd Arcanum. I was recently appointed as Voldemorts replacement due to some RL situations he is faced with that will leave him somewhat inactive. I came over from Plagueis to help out CSP and I wont get into specifics of where I came from, but if youre really that curious, just ask me.
·What I can tell you is that I excel at Jedi Academy (Xan, Aksle, Braecen, and some others can confirm that), I train people daily in Jedi Academy (so if youre interested, let me know), and I believe I still currently hold the DJB record for most individual match CFs and most individual wins (for Jedi Academy).
·I attempted coming up with this nice layout for a report; I hope it works. This section will just contain my usual blabbering prior to the actual report and maybe any happenings that arent worthy of the other sections. I will try to keep up reports constantly and to be honest, youll be unsure as to when Ill release them as Ill submit then when they have some meaningful content. =)
·Aksle learns the hard way that spamming the mailing list is a deathwish from Kaiann. Let us all learn from his misfortunes (or mistakes grin).
·The roster has grown, and these are just some of the new persons: Notte, Venquis, Braecen, Xan.
·Everyone wish PCON Arania a big good luck she's going to the hospital for surgery I believe. Wish her luck! You will do will Arania, good luck! >;)
·Vally and Arania are rumored to be going over some plans for clan improvement. Keep your ears open over the next few weeks to months for updates on that.
·DJK Arcanum replaces Voldemort as SGT of Hands of Terror.
·Death Hawks Battleteam opens for any Obelisk writers in the House.
·DJK Arcanum is the new Sergeant of the team!
·All Hot (or HoT :D) team members have been emailed by myself to get things started. I would like everyone to reply to it as instructed in the email.
·Plans are in motion for the team for when everyone has replied to the email.
·None for this report.
·None for this report.
·This section will pretty much be devoid of information until the team members reply to my email so I can find out what games they have, among other things. Once activity is flowing (and Im fairly confident it will) things people have partaken in will be listed here (it would be wise to inform me of what you do just in-case I miss it so it can be placed here).
Battle Team Hands of Terror of Dorimad Sol
House: Dorimad Sol
Motto: The Hands of Terror will hold you tight.
Order: Obelisk
Dark Jedi Knight Venquis Rhydd Arcanum [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]
Battle Team Roster: 12 Members
Obelisk Sergeant Venquis Rhydd [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Knight
Obelisk Trooper [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Obelisk Trooper [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Obelisk Trooper Korchek [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Obelisk Trooper Loudrek [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Obelisk Trooper Olan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Obelisk Trooper Gwydion [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Obelisk Trooper [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Obelisk Trooper [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Obelisk Trooper [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Obelisk Trooper [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Obelisk Trooper [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
·I know Ive only had this post for a day, but I felt like putting out a report. I hope you all enjoyed it! Have a fun and safe week everyone!
·Oh yeah and remember: Thursday gaming is on tomorrow!
As it is written by my hand,
bows in respect
Dark Knight Arcanum, Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae
Hands of Terror Sergeant
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