Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


Commander's Crap:

Don't you just hate it when the forums go down. We have had issues

with both the DB and CNS forums this week. That blows. Thanks to all

the folks who worked on it- hats off to you.

The Dromund Kaas expedition is coming along nicely, except for the

burp of the CNS MB getting funky. Er, I got dianoga stuck in my teeth,


Tharivol Endymiron has won himself a Dark Cross for his CNS Knight

Oath composition. Way to go man!

Kudos to Raidoner and Konar for their pwning of the competition

creation. They rock way hard. We love some Raidoner and Konar!

Congrats to Voort, Zak, and Lech for getting their saber and gaining

DJK. Well done mates.

Also, thanks to all you who work hard. You know who you are. Many of

you are close to a promotion. Remember, going from PRT to GRD takes a

while so hang in there.

Sapphire Statistics:


Voltaire Zar and pegasus need to contact me before they get set to

AWOL status. Ruh roh raggy! You have 1 week. I am serious, guys. Just

drop me a line, or else I send the interrogation bot after you.


None- Sapphire is full




Sapphire Crescent- DJK Konar

Shadow Academy Courses passed:


Sapphire Cultists seen on IRC: Macron, Garreth, Raidoner

Sapphire Cultists seen on the DB MB: Raidoner, Karimicus, Macron,

                                                     Revenant, Acerbus  

Sapphire Cultists seen on the CNS MB: Macron, Revenant, Acerbus

Known Sapphire ACC_Live battlers seen last week: Hmm me once

Known Sapphire ACC battlers:

PRT Revenant (1), DJK Macron (3), PRT Garreth


New One:

Bio Engineer- I am going to own this one. What elese would an alchemist do?

Dromund Kaas Excursion

Pimp Me Swoop

Construct and design the ultimate Imperial Armor

Quaestor's Questions

CNS- Musically talented?

Konar's Monthly writing II:

Konar's Monthly Graphics II:

Other News:

Be sure to CC me on what you do, or drop an email so I can give you credit.

               Catch ya later, Sapphire Sith!  

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