Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

The biggest news is the fact that i got to knight three worthies this week. Congratulations go out to Lech, Zaknafein, and Voort. Three more knights, ready to unleash havok upon the Brotherhood.

/me gives them secret orders to do his evil bidding with their new lightsabers.<p><p>

Next up, Chi Long resigned his position as Consul of Clan Plagueis, and then left the brotherhood entirely. Lucius Took over for him, and I'm sure he'll do well with the Brotherhood's newest Clan.<p>

Chi leaving brings a few things to mind. Firstly, He is taking all of his graphics with him when he leaves, as is his right under the old DB bylaws. (I say old, because they are changing to prevent similar predicaments in the future). This causes a problem to the Rebirth project, and the DB as we know it. The most familiar images of the DB, like that leaping jedi from our splash page or the sabre holding baldy from our old top banners, were all Chi's making. We are not terribly worried about it, as we have lots of talented members who are willing and able to create new stuff for permanent use on the DB rebirth, but it does pose a bit of a time constraint on us. So, i'm going to make a call to arms for graphically inclined volunteers. If you are good with graphics, and want a shot at having your work grace the official core pages of the Dark Brotherhood, send me an email and a sample of your work and I'll personally send your name along to the powers that be. This could be that step to the equites you've been looking for.<p><p>

The other thing is Drama. I'm frelling sick of it. Some people around here love to make mountains out of molehills, or craft lies about others to spread, or just plain act the fool. No more, chuckleheads. I'm calling for ** an End to the Drama**, as of right now. I have been an operator in our channels on the command staff for over a year now, and I've not had to ban anyone. Heck, Xhedias knows, because I always forget how to use X, and have to make him do it.

So this is the warning. No more drama. I'm not talking about being pissed off a bit, or being silly, like the normal levels of grab-arse that goes on in our channel. I'm talking about the stuff that gets multiple people worked up to the point where they are genuinely distressed. The gloves are off as PCON, and worse yet, they're coming off as Left Hand of Justice. The Chamber is going to a three strikes and you're out sort of system, with a lot more discretion at the Hand level.

What's that mean? Simply put, if you're acting a fool and Someone (CON, PCON, DC staff, or Spears and I) give you a warning (the words "Official Warning" will be used), you had better take it serious, because we are. And the next steps are bad. A lot of bullcrap has gone down because the Chamber of Justice has been historically only used for big and high-profile problems. And this is changing.

Like I said, this is not to enforce some draconian standards of universal friendliness. I'm not going to yacks Voort for waving his 'purple magic wand', or Phantom for slapping people with bottles of Hot Damn. Harmless, friendly stuff ain't what I'm talking about. When it turns malicious, when people go over that edge, you'll be in my office. And don't pretend you don't know where that edge is. Because you'll have been told.<p>

Oh, and just so you know, my tolerance for lying and other bullcrap is at an end. If you lie to me, I WILL know, and I WILL call you on it. Expect it. We aren't all little kids in here, and some of us have literally decades of experience in things that you would like to have been. There's no shame in wanting to be sweet at something...But I will respect you for your honesty, and your attempt to get better. Heck, I might even be able to help you, or direct you to someone who can. But don't lie. That's just lame.<p><p>

In other news, i'll be moving this weekend, so if you see me on IRC, it'll be a special event. Other than that, my regularly speedy email response time will be much less until my new place gets wired for highspeed internet. This shouldn't take more than a few days, a week at the most.



Now for the corner of recognition.

Tharivol - For being a guy who actually knows what he is talking about as far as Martial Arts goes. It's refreshing... Someone who ain't making crap up or following what some other liar made up. Kudos, and sweet armor, btw.

WereDan - My new favorite lackey. <3 Dan. Great comic relief.

Acerbus - for rocking out in a good many things. No less than three officers have felt the need to say nice things about you to me. in the last week. Crunchy.

Xhedias - For being a pimptastic Clan Rollmaster, as well as having the guts to put a lot of work into a ten-page fiction on the chance of a relatively minor reward. That's dedication, and I applaud you for it.

Jac - For giving me a new Shiney! Thanks Jac!<p>


Are you man enough to challenge Macron?

It's time for Muz to recommission his Black Guard, and the spot can be yours. Watch your email for details!<p>

Kat Pridemore's HMR AED Black Guard position is also being recommissioned at this time. Look for a competition from her soon.<p>

The new, awesome Black Guard amror uniform will be unveiled very soon. As soon as I return from my small hiatus, i will post the image in our Message Boards. Keep your eyes peeled.<p><p>


-> <- <p>

KE Muz Ashen Keibatsu (Krath)/LHoJ-P:HRLD-PCON/Naga Sadow (Dossier # 3714)

the Lion of Tarthos</p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>

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