Greetings to all,
First and foremost I would like to thank Vally, Arania, Dakari, Predator, and anyone else that had the faith in me to place me as the Quaestor I vow to do my absolute best as the new QUA and I promise one hell of a ride for all the members of the House.
I have spoken with the rest of the Summit, and I think they have some really great ideas for this House. I believe that if we all work together we can become one of the most active, and enjoyable Houses in the entire Brotherhood.
As the House has just opened there are positions left to be filled. More specifically I am talking about the leaders of the Battle Teams. Nightshade Squadron and Nightmare Squadron are in need of Commanders and I am now accepting applications. Nightshade Squadron will be our gaming team. The leader of this team must be experienced in at least one of the multiplayer games available on Gaming Nights and for ICTE. Nightmare Squadron will be our writing team. I will be looking for a good writer to lead this team, any kind of writing experience that you can list on your application will be a plus. Whether it be poetry, or awards for winning writing competitions, or your ACC Win/Loss Record. In either case I am looking for someone highly active and willing to work with the members of their team. I'd like our Commanders to have ideas for their team. Send your applications to me at this address [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Short report I know, but with the House just being opened there is little to report on. This is a new beginning for all of us, and I cannot stress how important I feel teamwork is to making this house successful. If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions, complaints, or death threats don't hesitate to send them my way. I am not the kind of person to bite anyone's head off.
We've got a lot of work to do, so expect some more news in the coming days from either myself or another member of the Summit. Thank you all for your trust and patience.
DJK Brujah Tamalar (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CBT]
DC-KC-O-CS / Cr-2A-1S / CF / LSB / S:-7Al
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