Consul Report


Consul Report

_# Consul Report _

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_Ah, Another week in Clan Scholae Palatinae, Where the mentally unstable Consul reopens another House. The Sith have finally left the walls of House Dorimad Sol and have been moved over back to there home in House Caliburnus. This Move however has caused boredom to your consul after moving members one by one into this house. _

*## House Dorimad Sol *

New Summit!


Templar Dakari Tamalar


Dark Jedi Knight Hideki Tamalar Tetsuya


Jedi Hunter Aksle Tamalar

Eclipse Brigade: New sergeant is *Dark Jedi Knight Venquis Rhydd Arcanum *

Banshee Brigade: Open for Applications

*## House Caliburnus *

New Summit!


Dark Jedi Knight Brujah Tamalar


_ Warrior Sykes Rokir Jade_


Guardian Panzerus

Nightshade Squadron: New Commander is Battlemaster Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine

Nightmare Squadron: Open for Applications.

(All applications for the Battle team leaders are to be emailed to the Quaestor and Aedile of the house.)

*## Releases *

(looks Amazing, I personally Cannot wait!)

*## Promotions *

Congratulations to all the Dark Consul on there Promotions and also Congratulations to everyone in the Clan who have received a promotion this week.

*## Competitions: *

Can be found here:_

*## Gaming Nights: *

1. Tuesday Gaming on IRC in #GMRG, it lasts for 24 hours,

2. Thursday Gaming on IRC in #GMRG, it lasts for 24 hours,

3. Interclub Training Event (ICTE) on IRC in #outerrim 1:00pm – 12:00am EST (Chance for you all to win some Shiny medals ;O)

4. Sunday Tourment - You guessed it on Sunday ;o)

*## Things to do: *

Start Run-on

Do Oscars

Plan Gaming Nights.

_Hold More Summit Meetings. _

Short report, But shall do.

In Darkness,

Sir Vally Aquillarum Tamalar

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