Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings Exar Kun,

Another week of change has hit House Exar Kun, with the unfortunate loss of Callus but fear not we have an excellent replacement! I believe you are already acquainted with our new Aedile so look out for some exciting developments. Things are also a bit quiet at the moment, a combination of our holidays to Bermuda and changes in the Summit. I expect things to settle down a hell of a lot once we leave the Summer behind us, so drink your iced beverages, slap on the sun tan lotion and enjoy it whilst it lasts!

So your new? You have just joined the illustrious Dark Brotherhood and you wondering now what? It's a big bad, confusing world in this organisation. That's fine, you'll soon fit in and be cackling like a true Dark Jedi madman. There is a wealth of things to do, lots of people giving advice on how to get promoted, how to dispatch your enemy or how to swing a lightsaber. But here are a few key things I suggest you start with just till you get to grips with everything going on.

**Your Dark Brotherhood profile

  <font size="2">Link

: </font>***http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/login.asp*

This is the account you set up when you first joined the Brotherhood. You log on using your dossier number and the password you chose (which you should NEVER give to a living or unliving soul).

My first tip is get use to your profile, take a look at the various options. You can subscribe to various activities, create a character sheet, character history, view your medals and much, much more. Also take the time to look at other veteran members profiles (use the search roster facility to look someone up), for instance look up Esca or Lucien. If your ever confused about anything then as myself, Aedile Esca or even the Envoy, Rydack.

<font size="3">Shadow Academy</font>

<font size="2">Link : </font>http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/index.html

This little bundle of joy is effectively a school, a place to learn about how the Brotherhood works but also about things you knew nothing about. The courses were created and are marked by people highly skilled in those courses. For instance there are courses on Poetry, fiction, flying, mIRC, MSN Messenger and many more.

Look at the courses available and learn from them, it will help teach you about some of things on offer and may prove useful at later stages. Once you have gone over the course you can then take an exam, if you pass the course you will notice your achievements appearing in your roster.

Talk to us

Even by getting to know the Dark Brotherhood web site inside and out, even by taking all the courses in the world you are still going to have questions. Feel free to ask me, the Aedile or the Envoy. That's what we are hear for, email us or contact us through mIRC.

<font size="3">mIRC</font>

<font size="2">Link : </font>http://www.mirc.com/get.html

Speaking of which, your going to need mIRC. It's a chat program where all the members meet and chat. It's an important place as announcements and crucial decisions are often made here. Another advantage of being there is, aside from meeting new friends but also for getting noticed. It wont cost you a dime, its completely FREE.

Competitions & Events

<font size="2">Link : </font>http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp

Almost daily competitions are being announced, not only is it fun but it may also lead to earning medals or better still promotions. Whenever you see a competition announced read through it carefully, then if your interested take part. If any of the events of offer seem a bit confusing or you don't understand ASK. They wont take offence and should be more than happy to help you through it.


Remember this is a place of fun, first and foremost. It's a club for all those with a common interest, namely anything that's dark and sinister like. If you find yourself having trouble of ANY KIND please get in touch. I care about the memberships, you guys and I am here to help. Have fun!

<font size="4">Callus leaves, Esca new Aedile</font><font size="4">*! *</font>

Callus has unfortunately left us, and I for one wish him well on all his endeavors and though it is unfortunate that he is longer here we do have a very capable replacement in the form of Krath Priest Esca Teiko Isradia! He has already introduced himself AND released his first report which I urge you all to take a peak at when you get the chance. He will also be announcing all our competitions, promotions, shadow courses passed and medals. Let me officially welcome you to the team and wish you the very best of luck.

Aedile Report: http://www.clanplagueis.net/report.php?reportID=103

**<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><strong><font size="4">Battle Team Exar's Shadow is formed! </font></strong><font size="4"><strong>

</strong></font></font>**One of the welcomed changes by our Lord Consul, Lucien is the restoration of Battleteams. It's purpose is to train up a varied group of individuals to do battle with other rival battleteams and take part in competitive events. The leader, Schisca has already begun the process of forming a team and I am proud to list the current roster:

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Sith Commander Schisca Archaon Azytzeen</font> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">[

Krath Tyro Desdemonea Isradia](dossier.asp?ID=4297) [

Sith Flight Leader Starrett](dossier.asp?ID=2895)[

Sith Flight Member Gaidal Dupar](dossier.asp?ID=4910) [

Sith Flight Member Aabsdu](dossier.asp?ID=5580) [

Sith Flight Member Galaphile](dossier.asp?ID=6174) [

Krath Tyro Brijha Mortashka](dossier.asp?ID=4798) [

Obelisk Trooper Drodik Va'lence al'Tor](dossier.asp?ID=4793) </font>

I would like to wish the entire team the very best of luck, serve House Exar Kun well!

**<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><strong><font size="4">Lusankya's Server Plagued with Intruders</font></strong><font size="4"><strong>! (from last week)

</strong></font></font>**Lusankya has been running a JA+ (Jedi Academy) Server for a time now and has proved a remarkable success, but has recently become plagued with unknown individuals determined to ruin everyone's fun. Here's a statement from Lusankya.

<span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Recently, members from the GIA clan have discovered the password to my JA+ Server and have been intruding. Watch out for them. Apparently their tradition is to “get rid of administrators who ruin games for other people.” They pretty much act like a bunch of asses that do nothing but lame. <o:p>/o:p</font></span>

<span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"><o:p>/o:p<o:p>/o:p</span><font size="2"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt">If you notice any of these members in my server, contact me and / or a server administrator immediately so we can ban them. Xan, Venquis, and Wolf all have admin privileges on my server. So let them know.  You can identify these GIA members by their name tags, usually = {GIA}= and GIN. They also use funny names like Mr. Ducky and h4x, for example.<o:p>/o:p</span></font><font size="2"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"><o:p>/o:p</span></font><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><o:p>/o:p</span><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><o:p>/o:p</span>

Well it's actually quite a challenge this week, recalling what I have been up to. I have a less than friendly roaring headache, which is making my head feel like train crash. I have just swallowed a mouth full of pain killers, washed down with a glass of water that's cold enough to set the teeth on edge!

Presently the British public is breathing a little easier now, the alleged bombers have been caught along with all those who would seek to help them and just offer up a bit of balance I have taken to avoiding supermarkets. Which let me say is a very sensible decision anyway. Shopping is the bane of my existence, and if presented with a choice of shopping with a thousand pounds or having my teeth forcibly removed I would assuredly go with the latter.

One thing the press love to do is scare us, they will scare us into losing weight (till you visit the shops and see a good looking bar of chocolate) they will scare us into drinking wine, then promptly scare us into not drinking it. Food and its quality not to mention safety are a real hot issue at the moment. And like a lemming I have followed many others and instead opted to by locally.

In other words, visiting farm shops. Buying things made locally and at their most freshest! Our first attempt was less than successful. We tried a shop round the corner from where I work. The farm shop was a quaint corrugated metal shed full to bursting with chocolate bars (twice the price of the supermarket) and a fairly on combination of pet food and vegetables. A quick look around revealed two rather hard facts, the first was that the floor resembled a mud wrestling ring and that the place was home to flies. I am talking flies on an apocalyptic scale here. A place intended for humanity was being ruled by insects! Infact, thinking on it I was pretty sure I saw one especially fat fly with a tiny crown, issuing orders to its minions to kill us without mercy...

So we fled with our lives, avoiding the farmer and his pitchfork and decided our plans to eat healthier were doomed. However my 'wife to be' was made of tougher stuff and after a bit of Googling, managed to locate another farm shop. This one I was promised, was the real deal. Complete with every luxury you could ever hope to imagine. Of course there was a snag, this one being the location. To give you some indication it was a toss up between traveling to Paris in France, or visiting this farm shop. Frogs legs anyone?

As is always the way she got her way and off we set, though she mocked my suggestion of packing a survival pack complete with tent and flares! After our titanic struggle to get their we were presented with this farm shop. To be fair it was magical, all of it fresh that day, all of it locally produced and all of it looked fantastic! We even had quaint little baskets to cart around with us. Within what seemed like a matter of minutes (instead of a supermarkets hours) we have a basket fit to bursting! They even had proper pork pies!! Complete with slanting top.

Speaking of which I am going to let you into a little story about my mad family (and believe me they are truly mad). One of my Great Uncles died at a fairly young age, 40 or so, I wasn't born then. He hadn't been well for a long time and often had nurses and doctors calling round. When the time came he literally made a last dying wish. Curiously it wasn't for a suitcase of cash, super model, song or even his favorite television show. No, his last great wish was to eat a pork pie. Stunned, his relatives rushed out and bought him the said pie. Curiously still, he was alive when they returned. So, the glorious pie was placed on a plate and handed to him. Slowly and persistently he ate it. When he swallowed his last mouthful he died. Odd? Absolutely!

Here are some good links for you to visit, if there's anything you'd like to see included let me know.

Dark Brotherhood - Our organisations web site


Clan Plagueis - Our clan web site


mIRC - For all our meetings and general chit chat


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Forum


Photo Gallery - You upload a picture of yourself or see other member pictures


Shadow Academy - take courses and further your understanding [<font color="#cccccc">


It's been a slow old week, but with the summer fully upon us and our eternally dark members catching some 'rays' before retreating into their caves things are bound to be a bit slow. For those not enjoying the exotic weather in some far removed piece of paradise there is still plenty of things to do. Look at our Aedile's reports for all the latest competitions.

Don't forget I am open to ideas and suggestions of all types. If you have a particularly good idea you would like to try, drop me a line and we shall try and work something out. Have a good holiday!

Your Servant,

Godo Nurok

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