Dark Brotherhood: A History


Dark Brotherhood: A History

Hello Everyone!

I am very pleased to bring this to you tonight: a brand spanking new history that was written recently by Trevarus Caerick! This is by far the best DB history I have ever laid eyes on, and it lays waste to the old history.

The thing I like most is that Trev was able to preserve the big points of the Grand Master's reigns without losing the character of the story.

Also contained within is the story of our origins. Very interesting.

I'd like to thank Trev for hiw work on this, and also a pre-emptive thanks to Chi-Long for the new graphics that will be coming soon! Also, for Trev's excellent work I am awarding him a Grand Cross of the Dark Side!


Also, I have awarded a Dark Cross to OW Oberst for helping me do a last minute grammar check/rewrite. Thanks again, Oberst


that's very cool!

that's very cool!

Last I heard, Oberst was still a Sith, right boss? ;) Nice work on the histories, guys. It looks great.

Much obliged, Jaccity-Jac

I hope everyone enjoys the new history.

Very nice. Great read, I didn't get bored at all. It was intriguing at all times. Good job

Trevarus "Quill of the Brotherhood" Caerick, a fantastic piece of prose. Beautifully written mate and it not only outclasses but totally pi$$es all over the EHDB history by Shadonyx.

Thanks dude, I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that what you've given us is ace.

Two critiscism's though: The text alignment should be justified so it looks neater. Additionaly there is a typo (2 T's together) in the second paragraph of "The Other and the Refounding": TThe word of the Other’s actions...

Trev (:P) delivers yet again.

I've gone through and made a few grammatical corrections for our humble Deputy Grand Master, who was far too busy with matters of greater importance to catch these few minor details. I'll send that along shortly.

Congrats and well done, Trev. What's next? :P

I don't know if I'm supose to post comment here :) but this is veary good story.
A job veary, veary, well done :)

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