Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

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August 7th </td> <td width="40%" style="border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1" bordercolor="blue"> </td> </tr> </table>

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<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#0000CC">Proconsul's Address</font>

<font face="Verdana" size="2">Dark Greetings Plagueis,

</font><center>Well as you all may be aware of how this works, new PCON equals new Report style. I would like to thank Enahropes for this format, for those from CSK you might remember this style and I hope it brings a bit of joy to you like it does for me. At this moment I'm waiting for some graphics to spice this report up a bit but they weren't ready for today. Hopefully I'll have them by the next report and you all can enjoy them then.

Well, my first report since I've taken this position so I'll have a number of things to report on for each and all. I have stats, promotions, news, competitions, a riddle, and everything else that makes a PCON report important. FOr now I'll just get to that but for future reference you all can be assured that this section as PCON's Address will detail everything from the ups and downs our clan is taking and the direction the summits are waiting to take with those course changes.

</center> Wanted!


    _Graphic Designers_- Yes thats right, looking for more graphic designers. I have several at the moment commited to different areas that I need help with but limitations of some and my desire to offer experience and activity to all makes me ask for more. If you have talent in any type of artwork or graphic design let me know. Things I'm looking to have created: Site Banners, Realistic Objects, Character Artwork, ect. Greatest part of this job is its well rewarding. ;) Look at our new DA for example.


    _Historians_- Again, Im looking for all interested in helping with the CSK history. Your assistance can be from anything like graphics, to fictional writing, to contacting former CSK members, to webhunting through the internet for lost files. Let me know if your interested.


    _More Wanted! Stuff_ All summits or general members looking for assistance with some project or activity, give me a shout and we'll slap it up here. I am honesty say its the fastest way, as well as least annoying to those wanting to avoid Spam mails.

Brotherhood News <li>

    GMRG Codex_: The 
    new CoG has released his own codex detailing the revisions he is making to the GMRG. Those interested can view           it  

</li> <li>

    Krath High Priestess_: The latest report can be viewed

</li> <li>

_ Allegiance Academy Website___: Those interested in the gaming platform Allegiance should check out the link to this academy here. </li> <li>

    Herald_: The latest report can be viewed

</li> <li>

    Combat Master_: The latest report can be viewed

</li> <li>

    <span lang="EN-AU" style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: Verdana">_
    OHC On Leave_: As the title says, the OHC; OPM Korras is currently LoA. Check out his post

</li> <li>

    <span lang="EN-AU" style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: Verdana">_
    Everything Jac didn't say..._: The SHW left his comments on the site for all those previously awarded for their         efforts in rebirth. Check out his post


<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#0000CC">Clan Plagueis News</font>


    First Battle Team Competitions Out! Check my competition section for details.


    Clan Site is up and running, Member Archieves is still down but will be up soon. 


    Scorpius named August PoP! Congrats!


    Summit Changes all competed. I've included a section that lists the summits, envoys, and BTLs as a reference to all.


    Godo Gets Sith Battlemaster! Congrats!


    Warhunter back from LoA...How else do you think this report got out?

<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#0000CC">Competitions</font>

<table border="0" cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%" id="AutoNumber9"> <tr> <td width="33%">

        1. _**House Exar Kun**_  

        <span lang="EN-AU" style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight: 700">
        [HEK] Infiltration</span>

      <td width="33%">


</td> <td width="34%">

      End Date: August 18th

</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%">

        1. _**House Satal Keto**_  

        <span lang="EN-AU" style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight: 700">
        [HSK] Something's Bleeding...</span>

      <td width="33%">


</td> <td width="34%">

      End Date: August 18th

</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%">

        1. _**Clan Plagueis**_  

        <span lang="EN-AU" style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight: 700">
        [CP] Current Events-August '05</span>

      <td width="33%">


</td> <td width="34%">

      End Date: August 31st

</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%">

        1. _**Clan Plagueis**_  

        <span lang="EN-AU" style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight: 700">
        [CP] Riddle Me This (ver3.0)</span>

      <td width="33%">


</td> <td width="34%">

      End Date: September 1st

</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%">

        1. _**Clan Plagueis Battleteams (For BT members only)**_  

        <span lang="EN-AU" style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight: 700">
        [CP BT] The Search for Chi-Long</span>

      <td width="33%">


</td> <td width="34%">

      End Date: August 11th

</td> </tr> </table>

<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#0000CC">Clan Activity</font>

<div align="center"> <center> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="90%" id="AutoNumber3"> <tr> <td width="50%">

** :::Transfers** </td> <td width="50%">

** :::Elevations** </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"> Venquis to CSP

        **Callus** to _CNS_  

        **Sunflash** to _Rogue_  

        **Tekhis Moran** to _House Bane_  

        **Jeshii Alake** to _House Satal Keto_  

</td> <td width="50%"> Godo to Sith Battlemaster

        **Famusos**to _Guardian_  

        **Cyris** to _Dark Adept_  

        **Doku** to _Dark Jedi Knight_  

        **Thran Occasus** to _Jedi Hunter_  

        <td width="50%">

** :::Awards** </td> <td width="50%">

** :::Dark Education** </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">

        **Kaylesha**: Dark Cross  

        **Ashura:** Cluster of Fire (x14)  

        **Rydack:** Cluster of Fire (x8), Crescent w/A  

        **Doku:** 14Cluster of Fire (x14)  

        **CoFo:** 20Cluster of Fire (x20)  

        **Schisca:** 13Cluster of Fire (x13)  

        **Lucien:** 1Cluster of Fire (x12)  

        **Lusankya:** 2Cluster of Fire (x2)  

        **Aabsdu:** Crescemt w/E, 2Cluster of Fire (x2)  

        **Warhunter:** Scroll of Introduction, Steel Cross  

        **Rydack**: Steel Cross, Cluster of Fire (x3)  

        **Thran**: Steel Cross  

        **Adam**: Steel Cross  

        **Xen'Culo**: Steel Cross  

        **Lucien**: Steel Cross  

        **Dorn**: Cluster of Fire (x1)  

        **Jokokus**: Cluster of Fire (x2)  

</td><td width="50%"> Karel Ja: Krath Grammar, IRC Ops, HTML basics, Obelisk Core, Conflict Mediation, Sith Tactics

        **Jagan Roda:** Krath Runon  

        **Ashura:** Sith ESET, Sith SET  

        **Torak:** Meditation  

        **Phyrellius:**IRC Basics, Obelisk COre  

        **Atticus:** MSN, Test of Wisdom  

        **Darkness Eternal:** Leadership  

        **Noman:** Sith Core  

        **Ood:** Sith Tactics  

        **Galaphile:** Conflict Mediation, MSN  

        **Taslek:** Conflict Mediation  

        **Drodik:** Leadership, Dark Jedi Meditation, ICQ  

        **Aabsdu:** MSN  

        **Scorpius:** Sith ISET  

</td> </tr></table> </center> </div>

<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#0000CC">Clan Stats</font>


    Unavailable this week due to the summit changes and lost of member archieves. Further explaination can be given upon request

<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#0000CC">Closing Comments</font>

Weee...About time I got this thing coming to a closure. As many of you can see I have pretty much settled into my spot as PCON. As always I'll be adding and removing sections from my reports however as I try to always bring new and interesting ideals to my position. However, if theres a section you prefer to have a parmanent spot on my report (or want to see another one added or removed) let me know and Ill see to your request.

As you can all see with the current amount of competitions out at the moment Im aiming high for activity. Get used to this, I want to always be offering the most interesting comps as well as a wide range of them all at once so I will be pushing my AEDs (and sometimes Envoys) to help me succedd with this. As always, if theres a type of competition you really love and want to see more of let myself or the Aediles know. We aren't here just to sit here and look good, we are here to serve and encourage you all in the competing and participating parts of the Brotherhood. As my favourite character from Scrubs, DR Coks; "Help me to help you, Help me to help you, help me to help you."

As promised I will be releasing the first Riddle for the Riddle me this competition. Remember, I will either be releasing the riddle in my report, on the mailing list, or on the clan IRC channel. First to answer gets the medal and then a release the next riddle. Now a good answerer? THen try being the riddle master, send me your riddle (Obelisk or Plagueis related) and see if you can beat me. If you do, you get a nice medal.

Remebering that my riddles are Obelisk related, This week's Riddle is: "Name the title of a ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire."

OT** Warhunter Arawn/PCON-SWGN-EP/Clan Plagueis** </td> </tr> </table> <-

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