Ebon Cloak Phyle Report
Dark Greetings, <p> This is my fourth report as Tetrarch of the Ebon Cloak Phyle and I report it to you on this day, August 12th, 2005. <p> News
I got a competition running called "Always two, a Master and an Apprentice". It's a kick ass activity that calls for a different kind of writing approach then usual... DIALOGUE ONLY. Go submit, especially my Tyro's since it's geared towards you! Details are here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1129. Also, welcome to APP Kolin and PRT Ood Bnar who recently joined up into the Ebon Cloak. <p> Activity
I've participated in the debate comp, Lyrics thingy, CSP graphics comp, and KMT. Xybre has been active on IRC and participated in my competition. Ood Bnar has also submitted to my competition as well. Guy Althens has been working with me on moving toward his ACO rank. He also intends to finish up his training in the ACC so I can kick his butt in a regular match up. Finally, kudos to Torrano and Bubblez for getting promoted to ACO! Good job, keep up the good work. <p> Notes and Asides
If at first you don't succeed... then maybe juggling ignited lightsabers isn't for you. <p> <big>Issard Jokaat</big>
DJK (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae,
DC/Cr-1D-2R-2A-2E/CF [ACC: SKR]</p></p></p></p></p>
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