Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings Exar Kun,

I hope your all remembering to use your sunblock? I made the rather foolish mistake of forgetting, result was a rather burnt, chargrilled neck. Which is actually quite an accomplishment considering the weather in the UK. It's perhaps one of the few places where you start the day with glorious blue skies and a seducing summer breeze only for it to end in rain and flood waters up to your knees!

Anyway, onwards and upwards!

Last week we covered the different places to learn about the Brotherhood and also take part in activities which of course all add to hopeful promotion. For those of you who missed my last report here's the link.

Last Report:[


One of the most important aspects to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood is our sense of history. It is rich and varied and an impressive read to those willing to delve into the many resources available. But of all the documentation available the most impressive is known as the Dark Compendium, and here's the link:

Dark Compendium: [


Another important aspect to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood is competitions. Through these we earn success for our Clan and better ourselves in the form of medals and promotions. One such event is called the Inter-Club Training Event or ICTE (or as I prefer to call it Iced Tea). It occurs each Saturday from 12pm in the afternoon till 12am in the morning in Channel #outerrim. If you own pretty much any multi-player Star Wars game you can battle it out and earn yourself some medals. It's known as the Cluster of Fire and is awarded for each win or every three losses. Though naturally subject to change etc.

Being it's a multiplayer event I am going to give you all a few tips when it comes to the games Xwing Alliance and ESPECIALLY Xwing Vs Tie Fighter. I have played many opponents and some of them make some, well lets just say daft moves. The most popular scenario is often a one on one, two on two and normally involves old faithful, TIE Interceptor. Put simply it's a nice agile craft and gives way to some thrilling dog fights.

First advice is make sure you get yourself a half decent joystick. By that I am talking about a throttle control and something that has more than two buttons. It doesn't need a hundred buttons, neither does it need feeback and neither does it need to make you tea in the morning. Xwing Vs Tie Figher allows you to customise the buttons in game, which is important.

Imagine your in a tough dogfight with an opponent, you need to boost your shield energies. So you reach over to the keyboard, you take your eyes of the screen to push that illusive key. Oh dear, you just got killed. Practice your dogfights and see which keys you tend to push. Then program them accordingly.

Another tip is to go into your multiplayer options and turn off any distractions. Namely the pretty planets, debris and even sounds. Why? Let me tell you what happened to me once, I was flying at my opponent who I couldn't spot. He was flying away from a sandy coloured planet, masking the colour box that show's where you enemy is. Naturally spotting him became impossible. Plus by turning off the bells and whistles it enhances in game performance avoiding the much hated lag...or at least reducing the problem.

Next tip is don't fire unless you have a shot. For some reason, and even veteran opponents do this, people line up their target sights and squeeze the fire trigger. Utterly futile. And let me just say anyone that tells you otherwise is insane. EVERY SINGLE pilot that I have seen do this has perished at my hands. Instead set your lasers to fire all at once, line up your sights and once you are within laser range, fire off a shot and dodge immediately. If your using Interceptors, one burst is normally enough to kill your opponent. However they may have only been damaged or may have let off a volly of their lasers. So dodge, better safe than dead.

Assuming your opponent is still alive, continue to dodge. Try to create a rotational movement, a corkscrew or better yet a figure of eight. Whilst performing this manourvre, try and shoot at your enemy when he drifts into your sights. However once he or she has closed the distance break away and let them drift by. Then drop your throttle nice and low to perform a nice tight turn. You should be able to turn before they do, making them vulnerable. Fire at will!

Remember lower speeds make for tighter turns, however go to low and it will have the opposite effect. Making you a sitting duck. If your enemy is behind you however, and you find that dropping the throttle still isn't shaking them then you have a problem. To help constantly moving from left to right either pulling up or down. Try to make yourself a difficult target. Next try suddenly speeding up and pulling away from them. This often throws them, as they don't expect you to suddenly fly off from a dogfight. This gives you space to make a tight turn and turn the odds to your favour.

Practice is obviously important, so try this out as much as you can till you gain complete confidence in your tactics. More advanced pilots will obviously start adjusting settings to improve on their speed and ability to make tighter turns. For instance many will not increase their Laser recharge rate, and in shielded craft they direct all Shield Energy to engines. Of course in these instances I would advise discrettion in their use :P

So, now you know how I win, my secrets are out...or are they?

For more information on the ICTE go here:


And I would advise on going to the Shadow Academy for courses relating on this topic:


<span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><o:p><span class="style6">Battle Team - Round 1 Results!</span>/o:p<span class="style4">

In a s</span></span><span class="style4">tunning bit of...luck? And err...oh heck, Doku and his Satal Inferno's slaughtered ALL the opposition. We can at least wave our little flags and tip our hats to an Ex-Exar Kun! That said, we didn't come last and with the team now confirmed and leadership in place, which is Starrett till Schisca returns we can look forward to greater success in the future. </span>

<span class="style9">Lusankya stepping down, New Bane Aedile sought!</span>

Another of our talented Ex-Exar Kunians went on to take up the mantle of Aedile of House Bane. He has unfortunately stepped down and a replacement is being sought. Requirements have been posted on the Clan Plagueis web site.

<span class="style9">Consul Lucien addresses Plagueis</span>

Our Lord Consul, Lucien has made an announcment expressing his interests in the future of Plagueis and current events that have recently afflicted it. It's an important read and I suggest you all take the time to digest it.

slSo what tale of woe do I have this week? Well quite a mixed picture to be honest, I am not back down in London on regular business. The first time I returned was an experience. People were edgy, look at what the next person was doing and I feared for the life of anyone unfortunate to have a backpack or rucksack, who was certainly likely to be lynched! Security was bordering on insane, all armed to the teeth and all had nervous twitches on the eyes. Reach into your pocket for your wallet would probably be the last thing you did as trigger happy policemen mowed you down, with a ask questions later policy.

Things changed rapidly after that however. Now it seems most of the passengers look like terrorists, all ready to blow themselves to bits and I swear I spotted Bin Laden. Security is now much more lapse, only the odd policeman could be spotted, either staring up at the ceiling or picking their noses. The only animated officer I spotted was one leering at a beautiful dutch women who was frantically asking for directions.

Home life is just as good, with a rediculous number of pictures left to develop and a postcard for you guys that I STILL have to scan into this computer. And let it not be said the British can't cook...which is actually true, but my wife to be broke the mould today by cooking up possibly one of the greatest roast meals I have ever had the honour of devouring. Further enhanced by a lovely bottle of, surprise, surprise Red Wine.

Other news includes Neverwinter Nights, an old game by many standards it was previously unavilable to me on account of a rather slow and dated computer. I have been having loads of fun with it, anything from ressisting the charms of a Nymph or going toe to toe with a Dragon. Thus far I have died about a thousand times and my partner in time, a rather clumsey elf, dying about a billion times. It also has a fantastic, easy to use editor which allows for some exciting mods. I am considering the possibility of creating a Dark Jedi Brotherhood Mod, once I find a good texture extracter. I think it's very doable. Here are some of my journeys highlights...or perhaps more accurately lowlights...

Not quite what I call fair odds, this rather vicious Dragon sees me as a rather tasty snack.

This Ogre, quiet clearly confused ponders why this little man is stabbing him.

Never, ever insult village people (especially if they are from Somerset!)

Fire Giants are neither friendly nor easy opponents. For instance have you ever seen such a deadly sword? Flames!? Hello!! Run, flee!

Invest the time to impress the ladies at the local Tavern and you may just make a new friend :)

Here are some good links for you to visit, if there's anything you'd like to see included let me know.

Dark Brotherhood - Our organisations web site


Clan Plagueis - Our clan web site


mIRC - For all our meetings and general chit chat


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Forum


Photo Gallery - You upload a picture of yourself or see other member pictures


Shadow Academy - take courses and further your understanding [<font color="#cccccc">


Another quiet life in the land of Plagueis, but things are beginning to hot up, numerous competitons are being thrown around and the Summer holidays are slowly drawing to an end. I suspect one September hits we'll all be gearing up for the big competitions on the horrizon. Remember the Shadow Academy and look out for Esca's report for all things relating to competitions. Have fun!

Your Servant,

Godo Nurok

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