Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Knights of Oriens,

Coming back from Italy and already have things done. I really wanted to say thank you all so much for bearing with me and allowing me my time, thank you all so much. First order of business is to thank you all for your caring words and kindness.

With that said I now realize some of my own limitations and strong points as a leader. Quejo and myself are very different in our approach to HOO. Whereas Quejo is interested and driven in running the day to day affairs and connecting on a personal and timely level with you fine people, I myself am more concerned with output such as doing projects and doing comps and creating systems for our use and Quejo supplies the drive and the members. That is simply my way. I love being connected on a personal level, just Quejo has more time than I do for that task. As such it is a good pairing, if not one that like the past few weeks can endure time of non-communication.

So I have decided since I do not have unlimited time to devote to the HOO communication in regards to IRC or daily routines I am determined to be more of a weekend warrior so to speak and do large amounts of work in concise time frames when i get the chance and when i do not keep tabs and do what I can. Yet I would like you all to email me and help me help Quejo in that respect. If you have any questions, specifically about awards or promos come to me. If we overlooked you i will make sure i submit your awards and promos ASAP.

Next being we are a smaller house than before, thank god! I want to keep it that way. I see many use IRC and even game now?? WOW. When the school year is back ill game more often as well. Now that you are all more active I will be more involved with creating fictional comps that are in depth and worth while. At the same time since you are all more active now it is your mandate to know the promotion guide and keep track of what you have done to bring it to us. I cant remember everything you know :)

Anways Id like you all to participate in the Seek and Destroy run on in the MB.


=Well im back and dont know whats going on lately but ill be back in the fold shortly.

=I just submitted award requests for Project Vigilence so dont worry they will come.





Good to see you all and welcome to the house!


=Tuskani has two for Pandragon right now

=Participate in the run-on and get awarded!


=Many clusters to Jack and Harsh!


=Conflict Med-Animus and Traumen


=Sith Core-Animus and Ian


=IRC is Traumen

WOW Traumen and Animus really did some courses huh?

Thats all for now guys, next stop for me is to email Quejo and see whats next for HOO and email summit to get back in the loop. Keep up the MB and gaming guys.

KP Octa

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