The blazing heat in the Priest's office made sweat beads on Revenge's face making him have to wipe them off so that they didn't get on the piece of parchment which he was writing on. 'Another burning week,' the Krath thought as he copied another thing down from a different document. The workers that had supposedly been working on the air conditioning problem were actually not doing anything at all, except for standing around smoking something. Quite a few had actually been killed as several sweaty Dark Jedi got infuriated at the workers for not doing anything. It didn't seem like the lesson got through their minds very well.
Upon completion of writing another sentence down on the piece of parchment, he got a new fresh piece and began to write his report for the week.
Clan News:
Not much is happening within the clan... EXCEPT the clan runon that can be found on our clan's forum that has not been posted in for days now. Remember, the runon ends on the sixth of September! Oh yea, the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy is open, go fight other clans in multiplayer games. If you don't have the games... go buy them! Jedi Outcast is as little as $10 USD now!
House News:
Not much, not such a big week for the house. If people have ideas for any competitions, go run those competitions as the house is in desperate need for a couple.
Activity Report/Transfers:
Cluster of Fire x11
Cluster of Fire x1
Legion of the Scholar x1
Shadow Academy
Richard de Sable:
Passed HTML Basics with a score of 86
Passed the Obelisk Core with a score of 91
Passed the Krath Core with a score of 70
Passed Test of Wisdom
Passed Krath Core with a score of 72
Passed IRC Basics with a score of 100 (excellent work)
Passed the Krath Runon with a score of 71
Passed MSN Messanger Course with a score of 93
APP Terrarus D'Koro to HAD
Order Changes
GRD Kaylesha (Krath) to GRD Kaylesha (Sith)
DJK Issard Jokaat to KP
DJK RevengeX to KP (w00t go Issard and Me!)
NOV xybre to ACO
APP Terrarus D'Koro to NOV to ACO
ACCLive! September Jamboree
Get on IRC and join #acc and fight an opponent!
Who wants to be part of Timbal's Guards Under Armed Rifles Directorate (G.U.A.R.D.)?
Quaemadmodum Acerbus
This is the clan runon which can be found here:
As usual the September Monthly Topics are up and the topic for the Story is: Ghosts, and the topic for the poem is: Amulet of Power (haiku). As stated above, we need more competitions for the house/clan! Have a good weekend!
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