Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Ektrosis Aedile Report #6

Remember when you submit to a competitions send DS and myself and email with you entry. Send all the DB things you’ve done this month to DS and myself.

DB Stuff

Obelisk Rite of Supremacy is going on right now. Go play if you can. There is a fiction for all of you who can’t play.

So far we are doing great in the O RoS. We are ahead by a huge amount, but it’s far from over and every point will help. SO all of you need to do that fiction for the O RoS, we don’t want the other clans to catch up now do we?

According to BloodFyre (Gui Long) we should be having the next Sith War at the beginning of next year. On another note there might be a chance to get another VSD. (Well another for us, first one for some of the other clans)

Two new Monthly Topics!



ACC battle area where you can earn CFs!

Arcona has a new summit… That’s all I will say about that.

Everyone that’s still in the debate comp should go check the message boards.

On Thursdays ECF’s will be awarded. For defeating a GMRG member in one of the DB’s supported gaming platforms.

If your looking for something to do on Tuesdays and Thursdays, there’s always the multiplayer nights. ICTE is on Saturday and the Bi-weekly Tournament is this Sunday. While the O RoS is happening the Bi-weekly Sunday Tournaments and the Tuesday and Thursday gaming nights will be suspended.

Tal Stuff

Do the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy fiction!

Taldryan Clan Values

The Tal Times has been released check it out at.

Two new Cohors Pratoria. Congrats Jaysen and Pyralis

The Training Operation Run-On is on hold until after the RoS.

Ekky Stuff

Do the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy fiction!

JH Fet'ai'narun has been appointed Tetrarch of the Phoenix Phyle! Congratulations!

(Yes we finally got around to putting someone there =P)

If you want to know an outline of how to get promoted, check out the promo guide.

Bubbles is on LoA until she moves into her new house. ß Not sure if this is old or not… someone want to fill me in? =P

[Joins] – Yay for new people!

Shayd has joined us!

Jared Van Demise has joined us!

[Transfers] – Incoming and outgoing peoples

Kuddam Wrath has joined us from Arcona!

Raistline Majere has come to us from the Rogue’s!

Shadonyx had to leave because of real life things.

Alaric left in the Awol check.

Xiroc left in the Awol check.

Adalyn left in the Awol check.

Radk Dorl left in the Awol check.

Xavier Markss left in the Awol check.

Kil'Jaden left in the Awol check.

[Awards/Promos] – Here be the spoils of war!

Bendak got a StA, DC, Cr-T, and a Cr-Q!

Shayd got a DC!

Vodo got 2 DC’s, 2 Cr-E’s and a Cr-T!

Dark Sabre got a SC, Cr-A, 2 SI’s, ECF, and 43 CF’s!

Chaosrain got 2 Cr-R, Cr-Q, 2 LS’s, ECF and 53 CF’s!

Karnn got a DC, and a Cr-E!

Tiberius got a DC!

Bubbles got a DC!

Shups got a DC!

Carrnn got a DC!

Alanna got a DC!

NexusMage got 6 CF’s

Valeema has been promoted to Novice!

Shayd has been promoted to Novice!

Tiberius has been promoted to Dark Jedi Knight! It has been a long time coming!

[Shadow Academy Stuff] – Here be tests!

Shayd has passed the ACC Initiates Course! Good job!

Dark Sabre has passed the Advanced Test of Wisdom! Good job!


Email both DS and myself your entries to competitions and any other things you have done DB-wise. We need to see what you have done so you can be rewarded. Our email addresses are [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Final Notes

Just another reminder to everyone, do as much ORoS as you can. It will help the clan a bunch.

Been awhile since I have done one of these… I hope to start doing this weekly.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

If you see any problems or have any questions e-mail me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Chaosrain (Krath)/AED/Ektrosis of Taldryan

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