Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Yeah I know I haven't done one of these in a while... Sorry. Anyways there's a few important new issues I'd like to address.


First off, the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy is going on. I realize we're not an Obelisk or multi-order house, we're a Krath House (the best one I might add :P). Taldryan is currently pwning everyone, but we're still not at the level of pwnage that we would all like to see. Since the Obelisk helped us out with our own RoS, which we also took by storm, I think it fair enough we help out here.

So, my awesome little fiction writers, this is your chance to submit and get some shinies. Korras has announced a special event for the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy. The requirements are simple; you must write about your character in the war. The minimum is two pages, Times New Roman font. There is no maximum. Lots of incentives, including medals, possibly Novae if you write well enough, and sexual favors from Proconsul Shadow. :P

More information on this special event can be found here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:3186

Information on the people we're fighting: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:3175

Current map: http://www.obelisk-order.org/RoS/Hexmap.gif

You have until the 18th. Send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and [Log in to view e-mail addresses], CC'ing [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses].


Another issue also deals with fiction. In the MTs, there have recently been few if any Taldryan or Ektrosis winners. It's time to change that. SO, I will be offering some nice DCs, possibly even StAs to people that enter and win Monthly Topics. They are announced each month and run by the KHP. Enter them! I know you guys are some of the most talented writer around, exercise those typing muscles. :P

Fiction Topic: Ghosts

Poem Topic: Amulet of Power

Send submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

[House Organization]

I've recently gotten some questions about this so I'll be answering them.

Q: Is Rollmaster an open position?

A: No it is not. I doubt it will be any time soon either.

Q: Why can't I be Tetrarch?

A: Tetrarch is part of the leadership program of the House to get from JH to DJK.

Q: Could you put me in [blank] phyle?

A: Ask Aedile Chaosrain.

By the way, Fet'ai'narun has returned and is attempting to earn DJK and has taken up the post of TET of Phoenix phyle.


I hope you read all that. If you didn't... die. :P

-QUA Dark Sabre

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