Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


=Turn 1 of the RoS shows we are roughly third in place for matches and second in terms of hexes taken.

=Turn 2 shows us third in most respects.

On a personal note i started school this week and just got back from dinner with my friends so this report will be a bit shorter than id like, but you all know what to do, RoS!!!


=The war has just begun. How is your character adjusting to battle? Is he or she in the trenches somewhere? Is her or she whimpering in the back? Or slaughtering things all around?

Times New Roman 12 pt, 2 pages minimum, subject="Your Character in this War". Due Sunday the 18th to OHC Korras ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), KHP Telona ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and M:SHW Kaek ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

Judging criteria includes writing (ie, spell checker is your friend), creativity, originality, humor.

Guys we all need to do this one.


Furious passed Sith Core...great job buddy! Perfect score too!


Furious joins us...yay!!!

DJK Drax Remlinger joins

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