Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Rollmaster report as of September 10, 2005

Greetings, everybody! Welcome to another RM report from JH Panzerus =)

(Just so you know, I have to share my computer and I am forced to take turns with my brother. This can lead to me abruptly quitting IRC at times when my turn is up)

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Activity (In no particular order)

(This section will probably always be at the top of my reports because it always changes)

ACO Lucian

Passed IRC Basics...see ya on IRC

Passed ACC Initiates Course...see ya in the ACC :)

Passed Sith Core...excellent :)

JH Kaylesha

Promoted to Jedi Hunter!! w00t w00t

Changed name to Kaylesha Blackheart Jade

PRT Hanius

Awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star

Awarded 2 Clusters of Fire

Awarded a Dark Cross

SW Horus Blackheart Aquillarum

Awarded 3 Clusters of Fire

Awarded a Dark Cross

DJK Brujah Tamalar

Awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star

JH Panzerus (me)

Awarded a Crescent with Ruby Star

Awarded a Dark Cross

DJK Desdemonea Isradia

Transferred from Rogue to House Caliburnus w00t!

SBM Indoril "Knight" Do'Urden

Transferred to Rogue due to inactivity :(

APP Altáril Lúin-Súrion

Transferred from Rogue to House Caliburnus w00t!

The following young Dark Jedi have been cast off due to lack of activity:

ACO Gyro Metsukai Isradia (May moving in RL)

NOV Gwydion Stormcaster

NOV Sloane

NOV Guy Althen

NOV Cantu zigo

NOV Shadus

NOV Pilthius

NOV Link

NOV Transf

NOV Yarrula

NOV Eon Sheol

APP Olan Nesra

App Aaron Blackstar

App Korchek Kalriddian

App Aurelius

App Morquadar

App Amara Filtreth

App Mulgan

App Kolin

If I ever miss anybody, let me know and I'll remedy it ASAP.



(If there are any Master-Student pairings that I have missed, PLEASE let me know. Again, let me know if there are any changes)

I don't hear much from anyone about the M/S so I don't really know about updates :(

Remember to Keep in Touch.

Congrats to Kaylesha for the promotion to JH.

I hope that you all remember to mention any changes in your pairings - especially anything regarding promotions

<table> <tr> <th>Master</th> <th>Apprentice</th> </tr> <tr> <td>SBL Predator</td> <td>JH Panzerus & PRT Chokehold</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DJK Brujah Tamalar</td> <td>PRT Achlys'trina Toril-Chhaya Jira'Qamra</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OT Dakari Tamalar</td> <td>JH Aksle & GRD Majon(currently in Rogue)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DJM Arania Aquillarum Lawakiro Palpatine</td> <td>PRT Exodias "Dias" Marr</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KAP Kschamehellan</td> <td>PRT Impetus</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DJK Issard Jokaat</td> <td>NOV Xybre</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SW Sykes Rokir Jade</td> <td>PRT Hanius</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KP Braecen Triadus Isradia</td> <td>JH Prajna Berkana</td> </tr> </table>

If there's anyone below the rank of Dark Jedi Knight who wants a Master, let Braecen ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) , Xan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) , or me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) know

about it. The same goes for anyone DJK or higher who want to take on an apprentice.

If I missed anyone just email me and I'll add it to the list, also please keep me updated on any changes in your relationship with your apprentice - especially when they become Knights.



(If you have any running or upcoming competitions, let me know so that I can list it here.)

The following are ongoing competitions:

THe Consul's new GUARD


Order-based MAYHEM! O_o

A Very Jaccy Theme Song

Write a theme song for our beloved GM - around the theme of Buffalo Hunting O_o

Write lyrics to any song and submit it to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (.doc or .rtf)

Jaccy Theme Song

Brujah's Activity All-Star

Just be active, you are rewarded for doing stuff...can it get any easier? Go do something.

Our Clan Run-On competition

Quemadmodum Acerbus!

It's recommended that you take the Run-on SA course for this one. Do it!!!! If you feel it's too late to add your character, feel free to use my character. I won't even mind if you kill me off! Well, I might...

*The clan run-on has been somewhat neglected of late...POST!!!

Haiku about an 'Amulet of Power'

Krath MT Poem

One of Telona's MT Krath events


Krath MT Story

One of Telona's MT Krath events


Status Report:

We're at 31 members after the new additions, AWOLs, and stuff. Caliburnus has new forums!!! HC Forums

CSP is lagging behind in the ORoS. We need to get some FPS gamers into the mix!! Come one! What have you got to lose!? A hard-fought defeat is still better than not fighting a battle.

Lots of activity this week. Lucian has been doing lots of SA courses. Hanius got recognized for his regular activity with a DC. Horus got a DC in recognition for the guidance he's given his own apprentice as well as other members of CSP. And I got a DC for being generally helpful :)

We lost a member to Rogue, but gained 2 new ones. I'd like to welcome both of our new additions to HC.

Sorry for the short report. Busy.


The Current positions as of now:

-> Clan Scholae Palatinae (CSP) <-


Consul: Krath Archpriest Timbal Palpatine

Proconsul: Dark Jedi Master Arania Aquillarum Lawakiro Palpatine

The houses of Clan Scholae Palatinae:

-> House Acclivis Draco (HAD) <-


Quaestor: Archpriest Kschamehellan

Aedile: Archpriest Mune Metsukai Isradia

Rollmaster: Dark Jedi Knight RevengeX

-> Caliburnus (HC) <-


Quaestor: Dark Jedi Knight Brujah Tamalar

Aedile: Warrior Sykes Rokir Jade

Rollmaster: Jedi Hunter Panzerus (me)

-> House Dorimad Sol (HDS) <-


Quaestor: Templar Dakari Tamalar

Aedile: Dark Jedi Hunter Aksle Tamalar (Has recently replaced Hideki who went Rogue)

Rollmaster: Jedi Knight Xan Be'lakor Azytzeen

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Word of the Week: DOH

Of course, this is not one of my original words, but an important one nonetheless :)

'Doh' does not fall under the category of noun, verb, adjective, etc. It is simply an exclamation. Say it next time you are in pain, are aggravated at yourself for forgetting something, or when you generally screw up.

Also, watch THE SIMPSONS o_O



My Week (If you have no intention of hearing about my week, skip this section ;) )

School...nuff said

Been busy, sorry for the late report. I'll try to get a game in every now and then. I played a JO match versus Chaosrain...and won!!! w00t! Gone are the days of laggy dial-up connections!! I also got JA...Aksle, I'm talking to you...JA!!


Miscellaneous Rankings and Titles

(Earned via IRC or through miscellaneous things)

MikeHalcyon: Link Master

For all the interesting links he's posted on IRC

Uzbad: Tour Master

For his amazing (mad sweet) IRC tours

Venquis: Quote Master

You should've been there Aug 11 at 10:51 EST :) LOL

For entertaining me with quotes and making me question humanity...

Aksle: Role Model #1

Because my career in the DB seems to follow in his footsteps

Vally: Role Model #2

For living the rockstar dream and because he's about as old as me which means that I, too, can reach my dreams

Syrus: Giraffe

For reasons unknown to me (but apparently I am the Tadpole)

And for being one of my coolest, most bestest friend in the DB

And for being an excellent writer

And for teaching me his philosophy of balance

Xan: Poke Master

For excellence above and beyond the realm of poking

Serovich: Squirrel Master

For mastering squirrels

Cyris: Real Life Obi-wan

Because he is the real life Obi-wan...duh! :p

Hanius: Mr. Consistency

Check my reports...he's in ALL of them. (DOn't worry, that's a good thing)

Keep it up...or suffer the consequences >:|

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(I hope you all don't decide to skip the old business but at least peruse it as there may have been something you might have missed last time.)

On Saturday - go do something for the ICTEs!!!

More information on the ICTEs:

Gaming Events

LIGHTSABERS: Everything you always wanted to know about lightsaber combat...and more!

Lightsaber Guide

I can't believe you're still reading this...

Well, maybe I should reward you...

If you see me on IRC, say the phrase 'Physics 101' and I'll give you a reward...

Well...not really, sorry...but I'll be extra nice to you on that day :o)

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