Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

*--= Opening =-- *

Rite of Supremacy is now entering Round 4 and I’m very pleased to inform you that Taldryan is dominating this competition. We just took 8 of the 15 novas awarded today and are Cluster of Fire total for round 1 was 438… DB total was 800 :P Below are last rounds points and the total current points in brackets.

Arcona: 210 (674.5)

Naga Sadow: 207.5 (465)

Plagueis: 85.5 (256)

Scholae Palatinae: 192.5 (406)

Taldryan: 1337.5 (3875.5)

Tarentum: 319.5 (805.5)

We have captured 24 hexes so far including one command post and one supply depot. As Korras explained in his recent news post, the more hexes we own the more bonus points we earn at the end towards buying more forces. So it’s our total points accumulated, plus a placing bonus, plus owned hexes bonus that will give us our total we can spend. Things are looking great so far. Expect our ground forces to increase a lot.

*--= Clan News =-- *

Kir is still on semi-LoA what with his moving on top of school on top of work. He dropped on IRC the other day to congratulate everyone on their work in the RoS. Hopefully will be seeing more of him soon.

It seems the Bounty Hunter’s Guild (EH Subgroup) has officially cut all ties with the Emperor’s Hammer and has become it’s own group, as we did a couple of years ago. They had an easier time leaving and our two clubs are in the talks to negotiate an alliance. The BHG has informed Jac that they are more than willing to welcome DB members into their ranks. If you want to join a second Star Wars club, you might want to check out the BHG’s website for information - -

Allegiance Tournament was this weekend (yeah I guess I’m a little late on that) Not sure who played from Tal, if anyone, but I’ll try to give you all a heads up earlier next week.

If you’re working on, or are planning to work on RoS fiction please please please let your House Summits know so we can keep track of participation. And just an FYI – Next Sunday is the deadline for fiction submissions. Get to it!!

Gaming Nights are on hold until after the Rite of Supremacy.

--= Cohors Praetoria Taldryae =--

Jaysen and Pyralis as have one more week to go of Cohors duty. Next report I will announce to new members so work really hard and it could be you!

*--= Dinaari News =-- *

Big news for Dinaari is the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy. September will be pretty much dedicated to dominating the other clans.

You Dinaari boys and girls should start working on that RoS fiction. If you need any help talk to Duga, Ben or I and we’ll see what we can do.

*--= Ektrosis News =-- *

You girls and boys should start work on the RoS fiction as well. Can’t let Dinaari hog all the glory.

Apparently my threat worked… both Chaos and DS have been writing reports. And the peasants rejoiced!

*--= Current Competitions =-- *

Obelisk Rite of Supremacy – FICTION

This is the big thing at the moment. A chance for everyone to add some participation to the RoS by writing a short piece of fiction about what their character is up to in the RoS. If you need help, email myself or your QUA’s/AED’s. We’ll be able to give you details on things and possibly help you with ideas.

Criteria – 2 page minimum, 12 pt. TNR font, .doc or .rtf format

Submit to - [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses], CC QUA/AED

Information – “The war has just begun. How is your character adjusting to battle? Is he or she in the trenches somewhere? Is he or she whimpering in the back? Or slaughtering things all around?”

Judged on – Creativity, writing skill, originality and humor (if applicable)

Due Date – Sunday September 18, 2005.

September Monthly Topic – Ghost

Criteria – 12 pt. TNR font, .rtf or .doc format

Submit to - [Log in to view e-mail addresses], CC QUA/AED

Rewards - Crescents

September Monthly Poem – Amulet of Power

Criteria – Haiku, 12 pt. TNR font, .rtf .txt or .doc format

Submit to - [Log in to view e-mail addresses], CC QUA/AED

Rewards - Crescents

Writers Corner

Information -

Submit to - [Log in to view e-mail addresses], CC QUA/AED

Rewards – Dark Side Scroll

ACCLive! September Jamboree

Information -

Rewards – Clusters of Fire and ACC Armory

ICTE Inter-club Training Event

When – Saturdays all day (and usually a bit later)

Specifics – Signup for MP matches in #outerrim and earn CFs. Crescents will be awarded again after the RoS.

Rewards – Clusters of Fire

*--= Project Updates =-- *

Going to write up an exact guideline for Taldryan’s Dark Jedi Trial system. Will hopefully make it easier for Jedi Hunter’s to grasp the basics of leadership and give them ideas on what to do.

This week I’ll think up some cool clan-related going ons to get Trev to write about for the next Dark Voice.

Ben re-worked our Possessions page and our Clan Awards page. Everyone should check them out and expect to see more added to the Possessions page very soon :P - - - -

*--= Proconsul’s Corner =-- *

Nothing new from the Corner this week. I hope everyone keeps up the great RoS activity and I can’t wait to start seeing some fiction entries. You can always CC me on those too. If anyone has any questions, complaints, problems, etc feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

*--= Important Links =-- *

Dark Brotherhood Website:

Taldryan Website:

Taldryan MB:

Dinaari Website:

Dinaari MB:

Ektrosis Website:

Ektrosis MB:

Old Reports:

Cohors Praetoria Taldryan – Jaysen and Pyralis


Primarch Shadow Taldrya (Obelisk)/M:OHC-M:SHW-M:CoG-PCON/Clan Taldryan

AK / SB / GC-S-GS / SC-CoR / StA-MO / DC-LC-R-C / (GN) / (SNAg) / (BN) / Cr-7D-13R-13A-10S-7E-2T-1Q / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF-GoF / ECF / LSAu / DSS / SI-SoW / SoL-TC / S:-13M-7R


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