Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Allright guyz, my apologizes again for my other report not being written on time. But this one will do nicely.

Nothing much as been going on. Our newest member DJM Sarin has been racking up the Sith Core, Obelisk Core, and sith tech tests like crazy so congradulate him on his success.

Also, I would like to say that everybody did a wonderful job on the BT Comp's

By Comming in Frist, we protect the Clan Summit for two entire months, so rejoice and try not to point fingers and laugh =p

The ORoS is officaly on and running fast. Everybody that hasnt read the main news page needs to do so before particpating and espically the rules for doing so.

Other then that, im very happy in the success that has gone thru this team. With the creation of the site, and motto.

I will try to create some competitions for us so that we can get things active and moving so look forward to that either this month or next.

Your Sarge

DJK Doku (Obelisk)/SGT/Satal Keto of Plagueis [PA: DS] [ACC: SKR]

DC-KC / CF-BlF-RF-GF / S:-3R-1Al  

{SA: U:TL - G:LS - G:CM - G:IRC - G:MSN - O:CORE}

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