Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Night Death Phyle

Fear us, for We are the Winds of Death

Report #6 - September16th, 2005

Tetrarch: J`Rai Sadow

Roster (5 Members):

Epis J`Rai Sadow

Epis Ghost Angel

Dark Jedi Knight Link van Dratio

Jedi Hunter Sanjuro "Sledge" Keibatsu

Acolyte Ashia Kagan


Not too much to report on this week, so I'll keep it brief.

First off, the ORoS is still on going. The fiction portion ends this weekend, and if you fail to participate, you get shown the quick way out of the clan via Muz and Goat's respective boots.

Second, I'm happy to say that only one member of the Night Death Phyle has yet to participate in the RoS. I'm not going to say their name, so basically if you know you participated, I'm not talking about you. If you know you didn't participate, GET OFF YER BUM AND DO IT! :)

Third, I have taken an apprentice. The poor unfortunate soul that is now under my tutelage is a Sith going by the name Acara Rayden. Congratulations, you've just entered Hell. :)

Finally, I've begun forming a staff for the Library of Sadow. If I notify you in the next few days, guess what, you're on the staff. If I don't, dont' email me about it, I will kill you! :P I have been informed that it might be possible to begin getting the library up and running this weekend, but still, please DO NOT send me submissions for it until I ask for them. I will delete them if I get them before I ask. I'm not going to get my hopes up only to have something completely unexpected screw everything up with the site.


None going

Roster has remained unchanged in the last week.


Ashia Kagan was promoted to Protector. Woohoo, yay!


J`Rai got a CF for getting his ass whupped in JA for the ORoS


If I'm not mistaken, I believe that Ashia Kagan completed a meditation course this week, if I am mistaken, punch me, I'm tired. :P

Keep up the good work!

Library of Sadow update:

Website is coming along nicely (or so I've been told) so expect something soon.

Chronicles of Sadow update:

Umm, I haven't done squat for this yet. I need to get in touch with the bigwigs and have them send me all the stuff from the feud so I can record it for future reference.


Keeping doing the good stuff, kiddos, I'm very happy with your work so far. After the RoS I'm going to really start busting skulls with activity and such, so be prepared for my wrath. :)

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