Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Tridens Aedile report for September 18th, 2005

MERLANCE's corner

Where to begin, where to begin... Yes, well, weekly report time. Yay. Everyone enjoys reading my reports. And they should. Right, as I was saying, lots of good news this week on the MERLANCE level, the house level, and the DB level.

Finally, the Herald put up my custom lightsabre on my dossier, crafted by X-Pilot. See it there...

I also want to give a thumbs up to everyone who has participated in the OROS. Keep up the good work people, and we WILL get the coveted second place.

Something else... when you enter a competition for the DB, like the Krath Monthly topics, make sure to CC myself and smoke. We can not count it as activity if you don't tell us. Furthermore, for battle team competitions, BT leaders should tell us who participated in the competitions, as we really are not psychic.

Oh, and smoke is definitely back from his LoA now, and is fully in charge, he will put out the report next week.

In other news...

The Sith order has its own website now. And Bloodfyre has started writing Sith High Warrior reports again, my favorite report to read on the DB site. I recommend checking it out.

The OROS continues... CFs for the first half have been awarded. Keep up the good work!

Deputy Grand Master mav is on leave for an indeterminate period of time.

Korras, the OHC, cannot send email for some reason.

Awards and stuff

xanatos97299: CR-1T

X-Pilot: CR-1E, 8 CFs

Zero: CR-1Q

smoke20: 223 Clusters of Fire. I kid you not, two hundred and twenty three.

Tyrus: promo to GRD, CR-1E, 58 CFs

Archean: Promo to GRD, 47 CFs

Rage: 3 CFs

Rayf: 2 CFs

Ghost Shadow: 1 CF

Cannabisia: 40 CFs

Vardar: 10 CFs

Turek Jaka: 1 CF

Donitzu: Legion of the Scholar

Elric Keyes: Legion of the Scholar

Horus Garm Matt: Legion of the Scholar

Cain: Promo to NOV

Silent Jay: 4 CFs


I'll try to have another caption comp out this week

OROS continues on...

Clan Trivia is on the message board: remember to email ME your answers, you have until the end of the month.

Enter the poetry comp, its just haiku. Even if you suck, enter, and it will count as general activity for you (assuming you CC me on your submission) Krath Monthly Topics



And thats the bottom line, cuz MERLANCE said so!

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