Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

HEY! Sephiroth, rei's first leader is back...yay!



Turek Jaka(TYRO)

Elric Keyes(TYRO)


Sephiroth Storm(TYRO)


Turek Jaka(cf)

Tyrus(33 cfs)(scroll of indoctrination)

Elric Keyes(Legion of the scholar)(crescent w/ sapphire star)

Sephiroth(none...he just rejoined two days ago, lay off :P)

Turek Jaka(crescent w/emerald star)


Shadow Academy



Turek Jaka to ACO(CONGRATS!)

Ok, as you may and should know by now, the Rei vs Yu vs Gi comp is coming up and we Tridens battleteams need to show the other teams how its done...right...

I expect everyone to at least participate in one or two things...i understand if you cant game, but there will be some writing comps too. And anyways, with my mad JO skills i'll get us in there right? :P

Anyways, welcome back sephiroth, hope you have a good time.

Just, have a good week, get away from the blasted hurricanes, and have fun...yes fun...we're aloud to have fun, even though we're dark jedi.

-Tyrus...aka...yo mama!!

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