** -> Special Krath Type Announcements <- **
I'll be on another LoA this weekend and the following week. I'll have extremely limited connection to the internet. This means there will be no Armed Hostilities for October. In other special news, the debate competition is almost over. Yay! The teams are about to go into a final round. The singles will have another round before the final. Both will be out today. I'll give the singles until Friday to make their first post. After that, 36 hours will be the limit.
-> Krath News <-
September is almost over and that means the MTs will be at an end. Be sure to send in your poem or story to me. I'll have some events appropriate for next month out before I go on leave. They'll mostly be light-hearted and easy.
** -> Krathy Hook Ups <- **
Hey got some links for you all to browse.<p>The Krath Site
Writer's Corner
Debate Competition
Location of the Debates
MT Story: Ghosts
MT Poem: Amulet of Power
** -> Krath-i-ness! <- **
Hmmm...crazy... In my life, everything is crazy. Comes with this time of year. Sucks. You'll all see it if you've not already. I've not been around too much and I've been slow to do much of anything. Furniture shows in Atlanta need to just die. :P<p>My heart goes out to those whom have had some loss from Rita. These storms are the reason why I won't live on the coast anymore. Makes me wish my mom would move away from Florida. Anyway, I know what people are going through and I have sympathy for them. Everyone else should at least be understanding that they won't have power (and hot showers) for a while.<p>Ok I think it's clear that I've got nothing crazy for this week worth saying. I'll shut up right after I encourage people to drop me emails if you ever need anything. I'm here to work for you. :)</p></p></p>
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Aaaaand.... TELONA was made Dark Adept!!!!!!! Congrats, Telona...