[What's Important...](#impt)
[What's Not...](#nots)
[What's Interesting...](#intr)
[What's Happening...](#happ)
[Anything Else...](#anyt)
[To Wrap It Up...](#twiu)
<font color="#FFD700"> What's Important...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> Updates to the Sith Website (http://sith.darkjedibrotherhood.com) are slowly coming about. Some of the stuff is taking a while since I need to figure out what is necessary, and what I think is important to be up there. It'll also take some image work, since I'll need someone to do some "header images" for me. If anyone is wondering what I'm talking about, an example is here. I'm going to need some new headers created for new sections, so if anyone wants to volunteer, and can make them in this same fashion, get in touch with me. Your work will be appreciated, and rewarded.
The Obelisk RoS is over, and I hope everyone had a chance to do well, to represent their Clans to the best of their abilities, and to have some fun. Now that the RoS is over, I'd like Clan Summits to make sure to be submitting their monthly updates. Remember, I need about a half- to a full-page of detail, just on the fictional status, readiness, and whatnot of your Clan. General details on what you're planning, who you're allied with, or against, etc. It doesn't have to be complete, explicit detail or anything, this is just going to help me prepare the fictional stuff for the Sith War a little better. This may also affect happenings within the War, as not submitting any of the updates may be taken as a period of disorder for your Clan, which could be capitalized upon, or whatever. Basically, I'm going to try and fictionalize a lot, so there's a progression to this, both realistically and fictionally.
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<font color="#FFD700"> What's Not...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> The RoS is complete, so it's no longer important. The results are going to be important, but I think now is a good time for people to take a break. Relax, have some fun. Focus on Clan things for a while, and let yourself feel good about yoru accomplishments so far. It's not important to game and participate to the point of busting yourself to annoyance with the Brotherhood. Don't feel like you have to keep things going until you stress out and want nothing to do with the activities and such that we have. This is all for fun, and it's all for when you choose to be a part of it. So remember, take some time, enjoy yourself, and relax while we wait for the results from Korras. And to everyone who participated, I congratulate you, and all of your efforts. You did an awesome job if you did your best.
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<font color="#FFD700"> What's Interesting...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> The Dark Voice should be comingo ut pretty soon, and I'd like to remind people that the DV is an excellent way to gain some fictional recognition, or a chance to work a little more on writing for the whole Brotherhood to see and appreciate. There's a wide variety of things to choose from, the stipulation is that it must fit the format of the Dark Voice (being a periodical-styled Brotherhood newsletter), and it must meet the expectations of the staff and the editor-in-chief, SWL Oberst. I think the staff and Oberst do a good job of things, and I generally like reading the DV when it comes out. If you want to be a part of it, get in touch with Oberst, or the Dark Voice staff.
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<font color="#FFD700"> What's Happening...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> With the end of the Obelisk RoS, what's happening with me is trying to focus with the Clan Summits on the Clan Updates, in addition to my work to still try and get the Sith website running. I'm still focused on trying to get the same stuff that I have been for a while, including the Sith Order (base) school. What this will entail is, the base school that anyone in the Order has the ability to be a part of. This will have seven powers styled after the vision of the Sith that I have been working on, and that I've been trying to help everyone see. I've said it before; I see the Sith as the warlords, and dark princes of the Brotherhood. These are the people who are raw, brutal, and powerful in anything and everything. The powers we have through Sith Sorcery should reflect that. I'm hoping that everyone will have some fun with these powers, among others, and that it'll be something you'll all feel good about having for the Order. More news on that as time goes by.
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<font color="#FFD700"> Anything Else...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> Honorable mention has to go to newly-made Dark Jedi Master Xanos Sadow. For those who don't know, Goat is a former Sith High Warrior, Consul of Naga Sadow, a dedicated member of the Brotherhood, and a dedicated member of the Order. I think Goat has done a lot of great work lately, including the work he's helped with for me, in working on the Sith Lords stuff, which will affect the Sith History stuff, which affects the Sith CORE stuff, and more. His efforts in helping that, and in helping to lead those efforts at my request, will have tremendous impact, I think. He's definitely someone who deserves appreciation, and I think this promotion actually comes at a good time for him.
Congratulations, Goat. I hope you continue the pursuit of excellence that you've been at since you joined. You are one of the people who has a beneficial impact on the Order, and the Brotherhood as a whole.
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<font color="#FFD700"> To Wrap it up...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> Everyone loves my reports. I fill it full of stuff, and sometimes I crack jokes at people. Kaek was especially appreciative of the shot I took at him last week. He loves us all so very, very much. He's just an emotional little girl. Heh. Kidding Kaek. Mostly. Anyhoo, with the Obelisk RoS over, Clan Summits, remember the Clan Updates I need. It'll benefit you just as much as it benefits me. The Sith website is still in the works, I definitely haven't forgotten about it, and anyone who can make header images for me, I'll love you forever (and I like rewarding people, too).
I'd also like to make special mention about Korras. This RoS has been extremely well-received, and he's done an excellent job. I think he knows how much his work is appreciated, with Jac promoting him to Adept, but I'd like to commend Korras for his efforts on my own. You've done a great job, Korras, and I'm truly appreciative that they chose you as OHC. It's a pleasure working with you. I don't know if I ever mention my respect for the other Order Leaders, but I do appreciate and respect Korras and Telona, and I think everyone benefits from them in their respective positions.
Have an awesome week.
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<font color="#EE0000"> Dark Jedi Master Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae</font> <font color="#FFFAFA">
The Ghost Dragon, Gui Long
High Warrior of the Sith
Bearer of the infinite Kick assness
Wielder of the holy keg of f**k you </font>
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<3 BF
I've mailed a raster thingy I've made for you, maybe you'll like it.
PS: nice report ;)
Nice report BF, and I feel so sorry for you now that you only have chaos to protect you :P j/k