Greetings House Exar Kun!
I deeply regret the lateness of this report, but I have been doing a lot in RL. From working on a website for a local
Safety Council, helping a friend with her campaign for a regional council position for school, to a bunch of personal
crap, I've just been weighed down. Again, as I always put in my reports, if you need anything, I'm always here to
help. Just shoot me an [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or catch me on IRC sometime.

This weeks 'Member of the Week' is none other than GRD Karel! His amazing MP skills has
gained him many a CF, and the MotW spot. Congrats!

Yay for promotions! I love seeing people get promoted and awarded and all of
that great stuff!
Although....none were promoted this week. :-(

<font face="Monotype Corsiva" size="4">Awards...yes...lovely things! Here's the list!
Guardian Ashura recieved a Crescent with
Quartz Star and several Clusters of Fire!
Jedi Hunter Aabsdu recieved several
Clusters of Fire as well!
Jedi Hunter Gaidal recieved a Crescent
with Topaz Star!
Dark Jedi Knight Drodik!!! Clusters of
Then there is Moi!!! I gots myself
a...what did I get...Couple CFses!
Finally, and I am most pleased to state this one, we have Guardian Karel, who recieved twenty, yes 20, Clusters
of Fire, a Bronze Nova, and a Gold Nova. A big congratulations to him, please!
Congratulations all of you!</font>

<font face="Monotype Corsiva" size="4">I wish to welcome PRT Thanato to the House. Welcome!
Looks like a good week to me. Keep up the great work!
I am also wondering if anyone in the House is adept, or just reasonably good, at web design. If so, let me know,
and I can speak to you about the House site. I can make it myself, but as I stated above, I'm working on a website as
it is, well two really, plus more. So be sure to let me know if you are interested!</font>

<font face="Monotype Corsiva" size="4">End of teh reportses for moi. If you have any questions or comments, make sure
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Cause remember: I love feedback and input!! ^_^</font>
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