Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Allright, Havent touched this in a long time. So imma try and get this right.

The ORoS is over, and guess what, we lost. In dead last. Yes this is a very bad morale defeat after winning the IG's, but thats fine. We can still fight better then the rest of the BT's. So, train up and get ready for Sith Wars 06, details in the future.

Now, 2 comps have been released.

One, from our good AED DJM Sarin, who has given us a great comp i think. Even thou its writing, we still need to particpate. So, the links will be at the end.

Also, in the Forums, there is our Name Competion. Everyone should have an email from Arso about it, so we all should know were its at. But just in case, i wll post the link at the end.

Also, there will be a comp by me comming out soon, so stay tuned for that.

House Bane has offically been split up, so welcome Tulkar to our ranks. There will be more soon, as Bran Redmow has been Transfered as upon request to Satal's Wisdom.

Sarin's Comp


Clan Name comp


DJK Doku (Obelisk)/SGT/Satal Keto of Plagueis [PA: DS] [ACC: SKR]

DC-KC / Cr-2E / CF-BlF-RF-GF / S:-3R-1Al  

{SA: U:TL - G:LS - G:CM - G:IRC - G:MSN - O:CORE}

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