Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


My Auxillia Squadron, we have good news! Finally you have woken! More and more of you have become active in the last couple of weeks! I am proud of everyone who has worked in the last wekk or so.

As most of you know the Obby ROS has ended and there will be an AWOL check soon. To my knowledge everyone will be notified beforehand. All you have to do is get on and do some work that day and you won't get kicked out. If you don't, and you haven't submitted a Leave of Absence form, you will be cast out from the DB.

As always, if you have any questions ask me or your fellow squad mates. We will be sure to answer any questions. If you do any competitions notify me immediately.



Tests Passed

Sith Flight Studies 1 and 2: Ceric Crimson

Dark Jedi Meditation Ceric Crimson

Good going, Bro!

Medals Awarded/ Scrolls of Indoctrination

SOI: Ansatsu (Yay)

Emerald Star: Ceric Crimson (Wow, active much? Lol)

Saphire Star Ansatsu (Good Job!)

Competitions Approved

"Best Theory": Diablos

Everyone try to do this one, its kida complicated for me, but who knows?

Name Changes

Myself: Himura "Revaan" Mifune

Ansatsu: Yakimura "Ansatsu" Mifune

Diablos: Kazuya "Diablos" Mifune

(All one big happy family :) )

Keep up the good work, guys. There are a few prospective members for the Squad. Encourage them and help them in everything you can.

Until next time. I leave you with this quote "Dulce bellum inexpertis: War is sweet for those who haven't yet experienced it."

GRD Himura "Revaan" Mifune</bows>

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