RevengeX wandered aimlessly through the headquarters of House Acclivis Draco not thinking about anything or anyone. He just walked without thinking and felt his legs moving without his permission. His feet brought him to the entrance of the fairly large complex and he looked up and admired it's architectural design. Even though the Krath Priest had seen the rather ominous entrance for over two years now, he still held his breath whenever he saw it. His feet moved again and entered the building once more. They stopped in front of his office door and suddenly remembering that it was report time, took control from there...
Clan News:
JH Exodus of HDS is the new Clan Envoy (I just figured this out, yea I'm pretty slow :P). Congratulations to everybody who participated in the ORoS. Good luck to everyone who is also fighting in the ACC's Second Championship Ladder as well.
House News:
Impetus is now the new Aedile of our House, I'm sure she'll do a great job and so far she already has a competition out for the house (see Competitions).
Activity Report/Transfers:
Dark Side Scroll x1
Laurus to PRT (Congrats!)
That was way...WAY too short of an activity report. Come on, people go to the Competition page and check out the competitions they have!
Blade of Palpatine
Who is the best of the best...of the best?
Krathish Karvings, Obeliskian Ornaments, Sithy Shtuff
Trick or Treat!
Mission Impossible 2
ACC writing!
Krath Code
Why can't the Krath have their own code?
The Fun of Halloween
Boo! scream Muahahaha! cough ahem...
There are quite a few competitions out now so go out and send in entries!
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