Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Jade Serpents Phyle

New Motto Here

Report #8 - October 09th, 2005

Tetrarch: J`Rai Sadow

Roster (5 Members):

Pontifex J`Rai Sadow

Epis Ghost Angel

Dark Jedi Knight Link van Dratio

Jedi Hunter Sanjuro "Sledge" Keibatsu

Guardian Siyavash "Sakido" Mifune

Protector Ashia Kagan


Big news this week.

1)Phyle name changed from Night Death to Jade Serpents.

2)J`Rai promoted to Pontifex. Yay me!

3)The Ring of the Jade Serpents has been released. Muz is the f’n man for getting me this so quickly after I asked. Every member of the phyle has one automatically once you join, so yay, you all get rings. :)

Also, new phyle name means new motto. I’m taking suggestions from within the phyle. If your motto gets chosen to be our official motto, then you will get a nice pat on the back. Don’t expect a shiny, I’m not big on giving them for such menial stuff. But do expect real comps soon, so don’t get too comfortable doing nothing, you will be active in my team or you will not be on my team. Nice and simple. :)


None going

Siyavash joins us from HMR. Welcome to the best house and battleteam in CNS. :)


J`Rai promoted to Pontifex after nearly 3 years. Yay!


Siya received a CF, yay!



Library of Sadow update:

Library is open and waiting for submissions. If you’ve submitted graphics to me, keep your panties on, they’ll be up when they’re up. I’m not liking how I have them setup at the moment so when I finally figure out how I want to have that page setup, they’ll be up.

Chronicles of Sadow update:

Umm, I haven't done squat for this yet. I need to get in touch with the bigwigs and have them send me all the stuff from the feud so I can record it for future reference.


The RoS is done and the clan took 3rd. Nicely done to all those who made it possible. Give yourselves a pat on the back, you’ve earned it. As for everyone who did the bare minimum just to stay in the clan, congratulations, you’re all losers. :) Nah, I’m just kidding. That would be giving losers a bad name, although some of you had good reasons (i.e. you could only submit for the writing due to not owning the games/being unable to play, et cetera). You guys are awesome for stepping up and helping however you could. As for those of you who did stuff to shut the summit up, SHAME ON YOU. Don’t you know by now that they’ll never shut up? Now if you’ve read this far, I’ll give you a present. A not so well known fact about your Consul: He’s French, not British. Now, carry on with what you were doing.

That is all.

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